Chapter 3

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When we got to Sly and Seamus' hotel, Seamus collapsed into the back seat, right onto Sly's lap. Sly only giggled and petted his hair while I drove. They're a really cute couple, even though they're so different.

I mean, Ze and I are different too, but not as different as them. They're like the sun and moon, but yet somehow find love in their differences.

I feel a soft kiss on my cheek when we reach a red light, causing me to smile and turn my head to get a real kiss. I feel him gasp past the kiss, but smile past it and return it, making Sly giggle.

"You two are adorable!" Sly giggles, "I wonder how many fan girls are going to freak when they find out the engagement was real."

"Literally all of them." Seamus yawns, sitting up and kissing Sly's cheek.

I pull back and start driving, "I just can't wait for the adorable fan art." I say, smiling at the thought.

"And I can't wait for our fall wedding." Ze says, kissing my cheek again.

"You decided on a date?" Sly asks.

"A season." I say, "He wants a fall outside slash tent wedding."

"That sounds adorable!" Sly giggles.

"Just like my Steven." I say, finally parking, "Alright, we're here."

"Finally, now we can walk." Seamus says, "I don't want to walk twenty minutes there and back every day. I'm not built for that."

Sly giggles, kissing Seamus' cheek, "You are built for adorableness though." Sly says, making Seamus smile.

I chuckle, "And you say we're cute." I say, getting out.

"You are!" Sly yells, "You're fucking adorable!"

"He's right, you two are pretty cute together." Seamus says, getting out and wrapping an arm around Sly.

I chuckle and pull Ze under my arm, "I think it's the height difference." I say, looking down at Ze.

He hits my chest slightly, "Stop, you know I'm self-conscious."  He whines.

"Don't worry Ze, we're the same height." Seamus says, "We have tall boyfriends."

"By like, two, maybe three inches." Sly says, "I'm not six feet."

I chuckle, "I'm taller than all of you." I say, "But I'll only pick on Ze with it."

He pouts at me, before hiding his face in my side, "Don't embarrass me." He whines.

"I won't. Let's go flash our media passes." I say, walking in with them.

We get to the front door, pulling out the media passes with our names on them. I feel like we're getting access to VIP, which is exactly what we're doing with media passes.

Once we get in, we split apart to look at our own things. I know Sly and Seamus wanted to look at things for KH 3 while Ze and I mostly wonder around to find updates for us.

We were stopped a lot by fans, asking for pictures and autographs, which we gave them. There's really no reason for us not to sign things for fans, especially fans who stuck with us through the bullshit.

We finally settled on an area where we wanted to roam and look at things, but I don't care where that was. Everywhere is perfect when I'm with my Steven.

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