Chapter 2

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We got up early the next morning. Chilled took a shower while I packed things up, then I took a shower while he loaded the car. All we needed to do now was go get breakfast.

We were wearing matching shirts for day one, which happened to be his shirt, that had us both on it, playing with science stuff. I love this shirt, but not as much as I love him.

Anthony is my rock, without him, I don't know where I'd be. Probably six feet under, then he'd be here, in pain, and I wouldn't be able to help him feel better.

I turn off the last light in the house and leave the house, locking the door and shoving my keys in my pocket. I head down to the car and get in the passenger's seat.

"So, where are we going for breakfast?" I ask, seeing Anthony on his phone.

"On the way, there's a Burger King, a Mc.Donald's, and a Dunkin Donuts." He says, "Take your pick?"

I think a minute, "Burger King, and, maybe Dunkin Donuts?" I ask, pouting at him.

He chuckles, "Okay, we can do both." He says, buckling up before starting the car.

I smile and put my seatbelt on, playing with the radio as he drove. Every time a commercial came on, I changed it so I could continue listening to music.

Burger King was our first stop, and I had to turn the radio off. I sigh as Chilled ordered our food. He already knew what I wanted, because I was talking about it most of the car ride.

Once we got our order, I started playing the music again while I ate. "Why are you so cute?" Chilled asks, smiling at me while we wait for a light.

I shake my head, "I'm not cute, I'm weird." I say.

"And that's what makes you cute." He says, kissing my cheek before driving again.

I smile slightly, eating my food while he drives. We stop at Dunkin Donuts, getting a donut each before heading right for our hotel. I can't wait to get to E3, I'm so excited to see my friends again!

Sly and Seamus were already there. They left last night so they could get there at like, 3am, and then Sly said Seamus passed out the minute his head hit the pillow.

It's seven now, and we're almost there, and the convention hall opens today at nine. We can go there whenever we want, but at nine is when things start to open and everything. Sure there's panels but there's not really a panel I want to go to today.

When we got to our hotel, we checked in and went right to our room. We dropped our stuff off while I was texting Sly, finding out where they were.

"So, did he get Seamus out of bed?" Chilled asks, sitting on our bed in the room.

I shrug, "Sly says he has his own 'special' way of waking Seamus up." I say.

"So, like how I wake you up." He says, a sly smirk on his face.

I blush slightly, "Oh, huh," I say, "I'm sure it's nothing like that."

"But Steven," he whines, grabbing my waist and pulling me to stand in front of him. "Don't you like it when I wake you like that?"

I bite my lip slightly, nodding at him. I love waking up with his special way. His mouth is, perfect, especially where he uses it.

"Do you want to wake up a bit more?" he asks, his mouth kissing my stomach lightly.

I shiver slightly, opening my mouth to say yes, when my phone goes off. I sigh, pulling his head back from my stomach so I can answer it.

"Hello?" I say, Chilled pouting at me.

"Hey, we're up." Sly says, "I was in the shower and Seamus was, sleeping, again."

"Well I'm tired, you made me wake up early." I hear Seamus whine.

I chuckle, "Well, we're here. Where are we meeting up?" I ask, "Front door?"

"Sure thing. We'll be there in, how long did you say it would take to walk?" He asks, probably to Seamus.

"Twenty minutes," Seamus groans.

"We'll be there in twenty minutes." Sly giggles.

"Okay, I don't know how long it'll take us but, we'll probably just drive." I say.

"Can you pick us up?!" I hear Seamus yell, "I don't wanna walk."

I giggle, "Ask your boyfriend." I say.

"Please Sly." Seamus begs.

Sly's quiet for a minute, "Okay, okay, enough with the face!" Sly yells, "You know the hotel. Come pick us up, we'll be out front."

"Gotcha." I say, "See ya in a few."

"Bye homie." Sly says, hanging up.

I hang up and put my phone away, "We're picking them up, Seamus is lazy."

"Of course he is," Chilled says, standing up and holding me in his arms, "I love you."

"I love you too." I say, leaning up to give him a soft kiss before pulling him back downstairs. Time to pick up our friends and have our first day of fun!

Hurry Up and Save me - RoyalChaos: Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz