Chapter 6

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I can finally see, but when I open my eyes, I'm just met with darkness. I try to move but I quickly find myself tied down to something. A chair? I'm sitting up, I think. What the fuck is going on?!

"Nice to see you awake, Steven." That voice, why is he... I'm dreaming, I have to be dreaming. I fell asleep on the bench, and I'm having a bad dream.

"You're not real." I mutter, "None of this, is real."

"Oh, it's very much real." He says, turning on a blinding light.

Once I get my vision back, I glare at him, "I'll scream." I say, "Let me go, Jordan."

"Go ahead, scream, amuse me." He says, leaning against a wooden support beam.

I open my mouth, screaming as loud as I can, and as long as I can until my throat hurts. He just laughs at me, walking over to hold my face in his hand.

"Welcome to your new home Steven." He says, "Where no one, can hear you scream."

I pant slightly, "You sly, son, of a bitch." I say.

"Oh, Sly's next, don't you worry about that." He says, "You'll have a play mate soon enough."

"Leave, Sly, out of this." I growl, "What do you even want from me?"

"Revenge." He says, "For eighteen, long, terrible months I was in the same prison cell, being beaten and raped every single day."

"Good, you deserve it for what you did to us." I spit.

"The beating, sure, but I never, raped any of you Steven." He says, "I never once, shoved my cock, in your asshole."

I blink a few times, "You just, swore." I whisper.

"Damn right I just swore." He says, "I picked up a few, nasty habits while in jail." He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and proceeds to light one and take a long drag from it. "I also, started a plan for when I got out of there."

"And that plan will land you back in there." I say , "Have fun getting beat some more."

He laughs at me before taking another long drag and blowing smoke in my face. "I'm not going anywhere." He smirks, "Because they'll never find you, or me. I don't even go by Jordan anymore."

I cough from the smoke, "What do you go by then? Spineless creep?" I ask.

He laughs again, "Still didn't lose your comedy." He says, "No, like I'll tell you what I go by. If by some strange reason you get out of here, I don't want people telling you my name."

"I'll ask around when I get out of here," I say, "You're finished, Jordan."

"Keep telling yourself that." He says, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go. It's fox hunting season." He smirks before turning the lights off and leaving me there, alone in the cold dark.

He's not going to get away with this, and there's no way he's going to get Sly. Once this convention is done, Sly and Seamus will be gone back to their home, and Jordan won't be able to get them.

Even if they stay, they'll stay with Anthony at our place, and they'll be safe there too. Not only will Seamus and Chilled protect them, but Max will probably come on board too, along with everyone else in Derp Crew. Jordan can't win this, he's outnumbered.

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