Chapter 5

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Ze and I wandered around for the afternoon. We looked at things for the day, but I don't think either of us want to go back to the hotel yet. Besides, we have to wait for Seamus and Sly anyways.

"Is there anything you want to do babe?" I ask, looking down at him.

He shakes his head, "I just want to be with you." He smiles.

I smile and lean down to kiss his head. "You're adorable." I hum.

"So are you." He says, "I love you."

"I love you too." I say, "Come on, let's go sit down somewhere and wait for Seamus and Sly."

He nods, walking with me to a bench where we sit and take pictures with fans. Getting a few questions about the engagement and, we said they'd have to wait.

I want to tell the fans, but I don't want to tell them just yet. I rather tell everyone in one video, then saying it thousands of times at a convention.

"Hey babe, you hungry?" I ask.

"Not hungry but, I could use a snack." He smiles.

"Then, how about I go get us something." I suggest. "What do you feel like?"

"You know what I like." He says, smiling slightly.

"Okay, I'll go see if there's a vending machine." I say, kissing his head before going over to get us something.

I look at the vending machine, thinking about what I want. I pick out a bag of chips before getting something for Ze. What would he like?

"Babe, chips or candy?" I ask, not hearing anything, "Babe?"

Still nothing, did he fall asleep on the bench? If he did that'll be adorable as hell. I go around the corner, "Ze are you..." Where the fuck is my fiancé?!

I look around the area, maybe I have the wrong bench, maybe he's stretching his legs. "Steven?!" I shout, trying to yell over the crowd. "Baby where are you?!

I ask people if they've seen anyone that looks like Ze, all of then saying yes, and that he left with a tall guy in a red hat.

No, he couldn't have, he doesn't have my Steven. I swear to God if he has Ze or if he's anywhere near Ze, I'll kill him. I quickly pull out my phone and call Sly. Come on, answer.

"Hello?" Sly asks, sounding out of breath.

"Steven's gone, I left him on a bench to get us a snack and I come back and he's gone." I say in a panic.

"What do you mean he's g- Seamus, stop, this is serious." Sly says.

"I mean, I asked people if they saw him walk around, and everyone said they saw him leave with a tall guy in a red hat."

Sly's silent for a second. "Sly? Babe what's wrong?" I hear Seamus asks.

"Where are you?" Sly asks, "Where the fuck are you, Anthony?"

"By the behemoth booth." I say, "Sly be fast."

"We will." He says before hanging up.

I sit on the bench, trying Ze's phone over and over again. Texts, calls, voicemails, everything. He needs to answer, he needs to let me know he's alright. He just, has to be okay.

"I'm sorry, Steven can't come to the phone right now." That voice, "He's a little, tied up."

"Jordan you son of a bitch, let my fiancé go." I say.

"I don't think so Chilly." Jordan says, "I have a bone to pick with your... Fiancé. I've been through a year of pain, and torment, because of him, because of Sly, and because of you. Now I'm getting payback."

The next thing I hear is Ze screaming in pain. "Let him go!" I yell, "Jordan I swear to God I will find you, and I will kill you."

"Easier said than done." He taunts, "Don't bother trying to trace his phone either, you won't find him with it when we're done with this call."

"I don't need to trace his phone." I say, "I have my ways of finding scumbags like you."

"Then I'll be waiting, but I'm warning you. You won't like what you find, if you find me that is."

With that, the phone line goes dead. Dammit Jordan, you've fucked with me for the last time. When I find you, it's going to be so much worse than a year in prison.

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