Chapter 16

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Jordan's been gone for a while, which makes me wonder why he's gone. Is he making me wait longer for food? Did he get in shit? Am I stuck here forever now? God for once I actually want Jordan to come back.

He's the only way I get food, water, and a chance at living. I don't know what's been going on with him but he's started being nice and sweet to me. He's not yelled at me at all these past couple days.

What the fuck is going on in his head, I don't know what he's thinking he's accomplishing by being sweet to me. It's only creeping me out and makes me want him to go away.

But I need him to feed me, so I have to fake everything so I get food. I hear a door and, a struggle? What the fuck happened?! "Stop moving!" Jordan yells, what the fuck is this shit?

I hear Jordan groaning, and soon the door opens, letting in the blinding light that I'm used to. I look towards the door and see Jordan walk in with...

"Sly?" I say, "Is, is that Sly?" I mean he's in a Homies shirt and it's his skin color and he's in his really nice pair of black skinny jeans."

"Damn straight it's Sly." Jordan says, sitting Sly down before pulling the sack off his head, his mouth gagged by some sort of cloth.

How the fuck did he get Sly, why is Sly still here?! Jordan takes the gag off Sly and he starts coughing. "Is this any way to treat your guests?" Sly asks in a sarcastic tone, he's totally Seamus' boyfriend.

"It's how I treat you." Jordan says, "Here Ze, I have your food."

"Where's my food?" Sly asks.

"You get whatever he doesn't eat, he hasn't eaten today." Jordan says, feeding me. I just stay quiet, eating while he and Sly talks. I stopped arguing.

"How do you know I haven't ate today?" Sly asks, "Huh? You just, grabbed me off the street."

"You were in the Café." Jordan says.

"That doesn't mean I ate, asshole." Sly says, "I got a phone call so I took it outside to be flirty with my boyfriend."

"And that was a mistake on your part, now you wait." Jordan says, focusing on me. "Eat slow, okay? I don't want you to choke."

I nod slightly, still not saying a word. I wish he didn't get Sly, god knows what he's going to do to him. "So this is where you've been keeping him, this seems a little cramped." Sly says.

"It's not for your comfort." Jordan says, "You'll get used to it."

"Right, of course I will." Sly says, "You should know I'm not Ze, I will never shut up."

"I'll make you shut up." Jordan says, "I know how to make you shut up."

"Yeah right, what are you gonna do? Lecture me to death like old times?" Sly asks.

Jordan glares at him, putting the food down before going over to him to re-gag him before coming back to me to feed me again.

"Don't listen to him Ze, you like it here, right?" Jordan asks. I shake my head, not saying anything else. I'm scared to talk. "Why not?" Jordan asks. Sly starts saying something past his gag, but it's barely audible.

"Shut up you." Jordan says to Sly, "Babe, it's okay, you can tell me." Jordan says softly to me, why is he acting like this?! I don't like it.

"I'm scared." I say quietly, "I want to go home."

"Baby, you are home." He whispers, kissing my cheek, "There's no reason to be scared."

"I'm scared that you're going to hurt me, or kill me." I say, shaking.

"Aw, babe, I would never hurt you or ever think about killing you." He says, taking my face in his hands. "I love you too much."

"W-What?" I ask, he, he want? No, he doesn't, he's playing me. He's being an asshole, he doesn't love me.

"I said, I love you Ze." He whispers, leaning down to kiss me. I try to pull back, but he brushes our lips together, only pulling back when there's a loud thump.

I look over and see Sly on the floor in his chair. Jordan glares at him, letting my face go to go over to pick Sly up. "What the hell is wrong with you, Cardona? I don't think you understand the position you're in."

Sly goes to say something else, but nothing becomes audible.  Jordan pulls Sly out of the chair and locks his hands to one of the bed posts so he can lay down on one side before going to put me on the other post so I'm lying next to Sly.

"Bed time." Jordan says, "You're going to bed without dinner." He looks at Sly.

Sly managed to get the gag out of his mouth, enough to be heard. "I didn't want to eat your shitty food anyways." Sly says,  struggling against the locks.

"Don't fight it." I whisper, "They'll only get tighter."

"Exactly, I'll see you in the morning cutie." Jordan says to me, kissing my head before leaving the room.

I sigh, curling up slightly to try and sleep. "Finally, it's off my mouth, why is he being such a weirdo with you?" Sly asks.

"I don't know, maybe he thinks we're, dating? Hell if I know, I just want it to stop." I mutter.

"Well, don't worry, I'm getting us out of here." Sly says, moving a lot.

"How? You're stuck in here too." I say.

"I have my ways." He says, a smile in his voice, "You'll see Chilled soon."

I nod, "I hope you're right." I whisper, drifting off slightly. I'd give anything to be out of this place and in Anthony's arms again.

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