o. white rings

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"You're an arse." Leo muttered into his ear. "I'm cold."

"Then sleep in your own damn bed, tiger." He responded, flopping over to his other side to face him, and shoved him slightly.

Leo shoved him back. "If I remember right, it was you who said we should share a bed in the first place Mr I Need To See My Boyfriend 24/7."

"And to think, I was going to get up and make breakfast for you."

"Hey, I still want breakfast!" Leo gasped, making a quick move to get up. "Luke I swear, if you don't make breakfast..."

"You'll what, love?" Luke smirked, pulling Leo closer to him and ruffling his hair. "Smother me with a pillow?"

Leo thought for a moment before pecking his boyfriend on the lips. "That's the last kiss you're getting from me all day."


He held the rings in his palm, with no fancy box, as they were never one for fanciful things. Though, his hands were getting rather sweaty and Leo started to second guess himself thinking maybe he should have kept them in the fancy box.

Luke had taken them to a muggle ballroom dance class (which was very fitting as they had stupidly danced around each other for years) for date night, and Leo had a fun time sulking that Luke could do it way better than him.

"I didn't realise you were that bad tiger." Luke chuckled, grabbing Leo's arm and pulling him as close as possible.

He struggled to not drop the rings which were getting increasingly more sweaty and it was making him feel kind of gross.

Leo stared up at him. "Merlin, I love you but please, never let me do something like that again."

"I love you too." Luke replied, brushing his hand over Leo's cheek. "Something's bothering you, what is it?"

Leo laughed nervously, eyes fluttering. "It's nothing too important." He forgot what he was planning to say, before he did it, so he just took a deep breath and grabbed Luke's hands in his own.

He opened his palms and let the sickeningly warm metal rings fall into his boyfriend's hands.

"I'm just asking you to marry me, that's all." He whispered, finally staring into Luke's eyes which softened. "I should have kept them in the box, they're so sweaty but I figured that isn't us so I took them out of the box and I love you and will you marry me even though the rings are really, really sweaty and gross?"


They collided rather violently but much like most of their relationship, it seemed to work out for them despite the somewhat chaotic start.


"Ivy's going to be very angry when we send her the wedding invitation and she didn't even know we were engaged." Leo commented, burrowing his head into the crook of his fiancé's neck. "We have to tell her some time before then."

"Oh definitely." said Luke, running a hand through Leo's hair gently, as if trying to memorise every part of him physically. "She'd never forgive us, and her speech would terrify me, I know it."

Leo giggled. "Is Ivy going to be your maid of honour? I was thinking of asking Ender to be my best man, y'know."

Luke's face darkened significantly. "No way in hell!"

"Lukie, you know we never actually dated." Leo reminded him. "We were just two hopelessly gay guys attracted to guys we believed were straight. Have you seen him now? He is a lot happier!"

"Just don't like him." Luke grumbled, pulling Leo as close to him as possible.

Leo smiled. "Jealous love?"

"Always have been when it comes to you."


When Leo woke up, it was dark and cold. Unusually, there was no warm body pressed against his and the blankets were tucked all around himself. Luke would normally wake him up if he was going to make them breakfast.

Leo couldn't smell any breakfast either.

He shrugged it off, moved the bedding off of his pale body and grabbed the nearest shirt. Leo practically threw it over himself and made his way into the living room, where Luke was sitting silently.

"Lukie, what time is it? It's still dark outside."

"I know." Luke whispered, not daring to look in his partner's eyes.

"Don't you want to come back to bed and cuddle, love?" Leo asked, leaning forward and running a hand through Luke's hair tenderly.

Luke snapped back violently, looking slightly green. "Listen, Whitehall! I don't love you, I never have!"

"What?" Leo whispered, taken aback. "Luke where is this coming from? We were- we- we were fine."

"You just don't get it do you? This whole thing has been a stupid lie and I'm too tired to keep it up anymore." Luke got up, and Leo was close behind him. "You mean nothing to me. You have never meant anything to me. I only stuck by you because I love Ivy, not you. Face it Leo, you're never going to be loved."

"Luke- please! Why are you saying this?" Leo wiped his red face, feeling the tears burning his skin leaving an untraceable scar.

Luke swiped his ring swiftly from his finger and scowled at it. "You want your shitty ring back? Put it on a teddy bear, its the only thing you'll ever have."

He threw the ring on the floor, both boys watched as it bounced and hit Leo gently on the foot.

"Luke, look at me!" Leo yelled, grasping onto his arm, tears freely falling. "Look at me and tell me you don't love me."

Luke's eyes drifted to his, welling up with fresh tears big enough to match the ones that were dripping onto his white shirt. "I. Don't. Love. You." He spat out, though the words killed him as he stared into Leo's soul. "Keep my damn things and don't look for me."


Leo picked up the ring and winced, the feel of it seared his palm. Carefully, he removed his own from his finger and put them both on the string. He tied it and placed it around his neck.

In a quick movement, he grabbed the wedding invitations from the shelf and dumped them atop a half-burnt wet envelope.

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