o. turn back time

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LITTLE TWELVE YEAR OLD IVY PARRY LIKED TO SAY SHE HAD FLAIR, but that was a bit of a lie. Her parents had told her she would have lots of friends but she only had three; the rest of the school just seemed to hate her.

"Luke, this is my bestest friend Leo!" Ivy grinned as she forced the two boys to shake hands. "And Leo, this is Luke my other bestest friend!" They shook hands and Ivy squealed. "We're all going to be the greatest, I can just feel it!"

"Whatever you say, Ka." Luke muttered, trying to slink back into the shadows.

"Luke Humphreys you get back over here right now and bond with your new best friend." said Ivy, pulling him back towards the two. "You need to socialise more, trust me."


"You really didn't have to show me how to get to the Great Hall last year." Ivy told Marcus, looking up at him. "I'm sure I would have found it on my own."

"It was nothing Parry." Marcus reminded her. "You made it up to me, remember?"

Ivy scoffed. "By helping you study? That hardly counts for anything. But thanks by the way, for you know, walking me today. I wanted to leave Luke and Leo alone to see if they'd bonded."

Ivy walked to the Hufflepuff table, to find Luke already sitting down, he hadn't eaten anything yet which she was thankful for. As soon as he could see her, he began to speak.

"Leo is so cool! He showed me his collection of chocolate frog cards. He's only missing like twelve. Isn't that so cool?" Luke's eyes glistened. "You were right, we are gonna be the greatest."

Ivy said. "Didn't I tell you that introducing you to him would be a good idea?"

"Sorry for almost flaking out. You know how I can get sometimes around new people." Luke apologised, putting a spoonful of mashed potato on his plate. "I'll try and change though."


In November, as it was nearing her birthday, Ivy felt moments of solitude, signifying a new era of friendship — abandonment. She knew they were just trying to catch up on everything that they had missed during that one year where they weren't friends, but it still hurt. And Marcus was always busy playing Quidditch it seemed; he had gotten on the team as a Keeper.

So Ivy found herself visiting the library more often, as a way to cope from her loneliness and to be away from everyone who hated her.

"Why are you reading about the properties of goldfish scales?" A boy with ginger hair, who she recognised from the boat ride to Hogwarts last year, asked.

"Why not?" Ivy responded, challenging him.

He seemed to rise to the challenging. "It doesn't seem like something a girl would read. Don't they like princess stories?"

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I only read fiction you elf!" Ivy growled, slamming her book shut. "Besides, why would I need stories when I basically am a princess?"

"You're just a stuck-up spoilt brat."

"And you're a lousy farm boy." Ivy smiled wickedly, before yelling. "You pugnacious cock!"

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