o. the dark in the light

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IVY WAS ECSTATIC WHEN SHE RECEIVED THE LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE ON THE LAST DAY OF SEVENTH YEAR. She was going to go to Egypt as a trainee curse breaker, just like she had wanted for years. It was finally going to happen. By the end of the summer, she would be in Egypt, pursuing the career of her dreams.

"Promise that we'll stay in touch?" Ivy asked the boys as they all stood together in a group hug. "I know I'll be far away but I'll come back and visit when I can and send letters, I promise."

"If you think for a second Ivy Parry that we'll just forget about you, you are sorely mistaken." Leo grinned, pinching her cheeks. "Lukie and I agreed we were going to move in together, so we couldn't be more in touch if we tried."

"Oh yeah, more like you practically begged me to stay with you." Luke laughed, breaking out of the hug finally. "Luke, please, please stay with me I need your manliness to protect me!"

Leo scoffed, shoving him lightly. "I was not like that! If anything it was you!" Leo fluffed his own hair up and puffed out his chest. "Leo I can't live without you, let's live together!"

Ivy giggled as she watched them jokingly argue with each other about what happened.

"I'm going to miss you guys." whispered Ivy, blinking back tears. "Merlin, now I'm getting all emotional. Damn you."

"When do you leave?" Luke asked her, wiping her eyes gently.


Diagon Alley seemed so much different now that Ivy was old enough to apparate there and had her own job and Gringotts vault. Luke, Percy, Leo and Lacey had agreed to meet her at Florean's to grab some ice cream and celebrate the last few days of summer they had left, before they all went entirely on their separate ways.

"Lukie, I told you, I'm paying for my own ice cream!" Ivy heard as soon as she walked through the door.

Luke smirked, tracing a circle onto Leo's back. "Too late, already paid for you lion."

"You ordered without me?" said Ivy, faux offended. "Now thats what I call rude."

Percy took her hand, but it felt bittersweet. "I tried to get them to wait as its impolite, but I went and ordered for you too. Pineapple right?"

"Of course."


"Darian, I found another lead." Ivy whispered, closing the door to the guest room and locking it. "This is going to sound crazy, but I need you to talk to Mr Crouch. He is going to be at the Quidditch World Cup."

"My roommate got me these tickets and you vont me to go on an undercover mission?" Darian muttered. "Fine, vot do I need to ask him?"

"Just see if he reacts when you tell him your sister's name and go from there. Ask if he knows what happened if he knows who you're talking about." Ivy said. "I'm sorry I can't go with you, I would if I could but I need to get to Egypt and get used to it."

Darian nodded. "I understand, I vish you could meet him though, the extra ticket vas for you. He wanted to meet my 'famous cousin'."


"We want different things."

"I know."

"I'm moving to bloody Egypt."

"I know."

"Perce, this isn't going to work out." Ivy touched his face, and he gulped.

"I know." He replied, eyes closing.

Their lips touched and it cemented the meaning firmly into their brains. It was over.

"I'm sorry Percy." she said gently, her eyes glossy. "Goodbye."

And she meant it. There was no more Percy and Ivy, just a blank space where they used to fit together. Ivy left him there, and apparated back to her family home and finished packing her bag.

"Vhen does your portkey arrive, Ivanka?" Her mother asked, watching as Ivy quickly incanted a featherlight charm.

"Tomorrow morning at 9am." Ivy responded. "I'll miss you and I'll write when I can. Tell me all about the World Cup, will you? I need to apologise to Darian again for not being able to be there."

"I vill."

"I know you will. I love you."

"And I love you to the moon and back."

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