o. blubber and missing-toes

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THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS AT THE PARRY HOUSEHOLD WERE USUALLY CHAOS AND BLISS. Ivy got to see many Bulgarian relatives - from her mother's side - and her dad's five sisters. Luke and Leo would be around on Boxing Day to enjoy the holidays with her whilst they could.

"Ivanka, be a doll and help me and Grandpa with the parsnip." Her mother called from the kitchen.

Getting up from the couch, Ivy groaned and walked to the kitchen. "Why don't you just use magic mother, it's much simpler?"

Ivy's mother scowled and raised a finger at her. "Don't give me that attitude Ivanka. I'd hate to ground you on Christmas."

"Why parsnip, I hate parsnip? Oh, I bet it's for Aunt Adara's family." mused Ivy, as she grabbed a knife and stiffly chopped the parsnip. "I miss little Brin, do you think she misses me?"

"I know she does Ivy, Adara has been sending me letters for weeks talking about how Brin hasn't stopped talking about you." Her dad smiled from the doorway.

Ivy gasped and smiled, dropping the knife and running up to her dad. "Daddy! They said you wouldn't be back in time for Christmas!"

Bran Parry picked her up in an embrace and swirled her around the room.

"I thought I'd surprise everyone. Did you miss me?" He chuckled.

"Of course we missed you! Mother has been sulking for ages."


To say that Ivy missed her relatives was an understatement. As she grew up, the oldest out of the cousins, she was often alone and most of her relatives were either a lot older than her or a lot younger than her. Except, a Bulgarian cousin who didn't talk much, who was a year younger than her. She loved to play with all of her little cousins; Ivy loved her family.

On Christmas Eve, it was a tradition for the whole family, although there was about fifty of them, to have a large dinner and watch a muggle movie.

Ivy's large amount of cousins sat around her, all eager to tell them stories of their adventures.

"Ivy! Ivy! Look I've got a scar now! I fell off a tree trying to save a kitten." Emris exclaimed, pointing to a small scar on his arm.

Ivy smiled at him, giving his hair a small ruffle. "Wow! You're so brave, you know. I don't think I could do something like that."

Glenna shrugged her shoulders and tapped Ivy. "But Ivy guess what I can do! I can do five plus seven. It's twelve, aren't I so smart?"

"That's brilliant, Glenna. Where did you learn how to do that?" Ivy asked, egging her on.

"At muggle school. Daddy said I should go so I can be better at everything when I go to Hogwarts. Halwyn and Iago are starting next year. I can't wait to go to Hogwarts. What house do you think I'll be in? I want to be in Hufflepuff just like you!"

"You'd make a great Hufflepuff Glenna. You're one of the kindest and most loyal people I know." Ivy assured her.

Glenna beamed.

"Vell, I can do accio." Darian, her oldest cousin, smirked. "Vot can you do Ivanka?"

"A lot more than you Darian." Ivy sulked, wanting so badly to give him the birds.


As Ivy tucked herself into her bed, she took the perfectly wrapped present on her bedside table. She fingered the tag and read the note again and again.

'To Ivy Parry,

From Percy Weasley.'

It had to be a joke. There was no way that Percy Weasley had actually sent her a real present; they hated each other. After Christmas, they would probably despise each other as the gifts they got each other were cruel. There was no way that Percy Weasley would give her a real Christmas present.

And yet, Ivy's stomach churned at the thought of her present to him. Ivy moved to turn the lamp off and put the present away but her little cousin stopped her.

"Please don't turn the light off; I can't sleep without it on."

Ivy gave her a sweet smile and turned around, ignoring the light and going to sleep.


When Ivy woke up the next morning, her little cousins were already downstairs and she was left alone in her bedroom. She thought she would get the joke present over with before she got to her real ones.

She tore open the wrapping and took out a yellow and black jumper that was neatly folded; under it was a small selection of fudge. Ivy looked at the jumper, realising it had a black I in the middle, and gasped. Why did Percy Weasley get her an actual gift?

It left Ivy feeling incredibly guilty only thinking about his expression as he opened her gift. Wincing, Ivy made her way downstairs - wearing the sweater Percy had gifted her. She had to get him a real gift.

"Vot's that you haff there? A sweater from your boyfriend?" Darian teased, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "It's handmade too."

Ivy blushed a bright red and glared at him. "No, it's from one of the prefects. We have rounds together every Wednesday."

"Oh Ivanka, I haff a gift for you!" Her mother called, and a sudden meow silenced the room.

Ivy's eyes lit up and she hugged her mother."You got me a kitten?"

894 words ❩

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