o. daddy's little girl

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PERCY AND IVY SPENT AS MUCH TIME ALONE AS THEY POSSIBLY COULD. They didn't do anything extreme, just a few kisses and a lot more cuddling when undisturbed. And whilst Ivy was upset that she would be leaving, she knew she would see him in a few weeks.

"Do you really have to leave?" He asked, taking Ivy's hand in his own.

She giggled, cheeks flushing red and staring him in the eyes. "I want to stay with you too but I also want to go home to my parents. I haven't seen them almost all summer."

"I suppose. I will see you soon anyway." His hand clasped around hers and he gave her a small smile. "I just wanted you to myself for a little while longer."

"We'll have plenty of time to be alone when we get back to Hogwarts." She lightly tugged him closer to her and traced a heart on his chest. "Are you going to kiss me or are we going to leave that until we meet again too?"

And who was Percy to deny Ivy a goodbye kiss?


The first thing Ivy spotted when she got home was her dad, standing right in front of the fireplace waiting for her return. It was in the first moment she stepped into the room that she realised just how much she missed it.

"Merlin, I missed you!" Her dad scooped her up in a hug and Ivy smiled. "Where have you been all summer, princess? Luke and Leo drag you away on any 'adventures'?"

"No! I already told you I was with Percy." Ivy visibly slumped. "Haven't heard from either of them actually. They won't respond to my letters."

The man separated from her and said. "Then I guess they're not coming with us to get supplies and ice cream. If they can't bother to talk to you over the summer then they obviously can't bother enough to get any ice cream with you."


The day the OWLs results came, Ivy wanted to cry. It wasn't because she thought she had done terribly; it was because she wasn't sure if she was confident she had passed and actually failed. Opening them was significantly harder in her opinion as Ivy slowly teared open the envelope — whatever was written held her fate.

Her eyes scanned the parchment and she screamed. Her mother dropped everything.

"Ivanka?" She grabbed the letter from her daughter's grip. "Oh Merlin! Bran, come in here! Ivanka has passed!"

He rushed to her side and Ivy watched as his eyes flittered along, reading everything. "All Os, Ivy this is outstanding! We're so proud of you!"

"Diagon Alley?" Ivy asked sheepishly, only to be enveloped into a family hug.

"Diagon Alley." Her parents confirmed.


Ivy, like a majority of witches in England, found Gilderoy Lockhart largely attractive and she would be lying if she said she didn't already have every single one of his books. It was amazing how such a young man had already done so many things for the wizarding world. Upon finding out that over half of her school books for the year would be his books, Ivy squealed. Of course, it was unlikely that such a busy man would have time to teach in a school such as Hogwarts, but all Ivy could do was hope.

As always, the Parry family stopped off at Florean's for an ice-cream because nothing at all could beat cauldron cake ice cream, in Ivy's opinion. However, when friends are absent from the tradition, it is much more dull.

"I have no doubt that with your current qualifications Ivy, that you could be an excellent auror." And now that she had her results, her parents were going to push on their ideals of her joining them in the law department.

They weren't going to be very happy when they found out that she actually wanted to move to Egypt to be a field cursebreaker.

Smiling awkwardly, Ivy nodded and avoided speaking. As much as she loved her parents, she could not stand being an auror or doing a boring desk job her entire life.

And then Ivy spotted Luke Humphreys outside the window.

PRINCESS † PERCY WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now