o. summertime blues

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IVY LOVED HER GRANDMOTHER BUT IT WAS ALL TOO MUCH. Her attempts to get Ivy and Darian to bond had ended up with the two cousins staying on opposite sides of the large manor. The scenery was nice and the manor brought back many happy memories but to Ivy, the whole situation was too much to bear. Regret and shame — every time she looked at him all she saw was her and how Ivy was too selfish. Bulgaria was nice but it was cold and uninviting without Nikol.

Meals had to be the most awkward part of the whole visit. They had only been in the place for a week and Ivy already wanted to take her meals into the study and avoid conversations. And to make it all worse, her grandmother would only address her as Ivanka; Ivy was certain that would never change. Ivy wasn't sure she could cope.

"Grandmother, I would like to be excused to visit the library. I am sure my presence is no longer required." Ivy muttered,desperate for a way to escape the confines of the room; she was bored and she didn't much like being under the eyes of Darian.

"Of course Ivanka." Ivy could see it coming, she didn't even take a step towards the door before the old woman looked over at him. "You and Darian could both do vith some studying."

And just like that, Ivy was forced into another scheme of her grandmother's but nobody argued with Mrs Vanev. Her word overruled all.


Ivy hadn't had time to focus on sleep at Hogwarts. She was far more invested in her future and not failing her exams. Since the summer had started, she had taken a considerable amount of time to prepare herself for sleep. It still took longer than it should for her to sleep but once she did, she normally slept through the night.

It appeared that it would not be a normal night for Ivy. A rough hand shook her shoulder, forcing her awake. She wanted to scream but when she looked over at who it was, just calmed down.

"Darian?" Ivy rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Why did you wake me up?"

He didn't answer for a few moments as he took in what he had done. "I couldn't sleep. I tried and vell — nightmares."

Slowly, Ivy sat up and patted her bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" She stretched her arms out about her head before they slumped back to her sides. "Might as well since you woke me up."

"Vot happened, Ivanka?" He started, but she cut him off.

"Ivy. Please just Ivy, I can barely stand Ivanka; makes me feel old." Wincing, she sighed. "Sorry, my bad. Continue, I won't interrupt again."

It had opened a door for them. "I don't blame you for vot happened Ivy," He whispered, it blended with the wind, the words almost escaped her ears. "It could have been any of us. I tried to blame you for so long but I just couldn't. I miss her, so much. Ve should have been there for each other instead of pushing each other avay."

There was a silence between them; the only noise was the howling of the wind.

"Sometimes I vonder," Darian continues. "Vot happened to her. And I vonder if she'll ever return to us. It's foolish but she's my sister. I don't vant her to be dead."

The light of the full moon glowed through the window, onto the two cousins who stayed in each other's arms listening to the wild winds and watching the grey clouds pass by.


Things weren't perfect between them and they still needed to heal but there was progress. The air seemed lighter and they could look at each other and to Ivy that was more than progress. But the question still remained though nobody wished to ask it — what happened to Nikol? The unknown answer just caused grief to the large family and especially to Darian and Ivy, being the only two to be with her at her last known whereabouts. Even aurors and Unspeakables couldn't find her. It scared Ivy. How could someone go missing and leave no trace at all?

Cleaning wasn't something either teen enjoyed but they expected it whilst visiting. It was hell before they had began to patch things up. Ivy caressed a picture frame on top of the shelf she was dusting. Her eyes scanned the photo and she wore a soft smile.

"Darian." She called out, quietly. "Have you seen this?"

He peered over her. The second he caught sight of the image he put a hand on her shoulder. They looked over at each other; eyes glossy with tears.

"We all look so small." Ivy whispered, drawn back to the photo.

He let a tear roll down his face and splash against the frame. "She looked so happy."


As the third and final week of Bulgaria drew to an end, Ivy packed her things and remembered the letter she had received from Percy. And Ivy had decided she wasn't quite ready to go home yet.

"Dear Ivy,

I should start this by saying I miss you a lot. I hope that your trip to Bulgaria has been much better than you had prepared for.

My mother has expressed interest in having you over. My brothers have been constantly teasing but I secretly do not mind. I would like you to come visit too. Please respond as soon as possible. I really do miss you.



And Ivy was rather excited to spend sometime with her favourite ginger or, in other words, her boyfriend.

PRINCESS † PERCY WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now