o. double trouble

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IVY FIGURED OUT THAT A GOOD WAY TO HELP LUKE GET OVER HER, was to just act like everything was normal. Acting like it was weird would just make it worse and that was quite honestly the worst thing to do in the situation. Ivy stood behind a bookshelf, just far enough so she could still see and hear the boys without them being able to see her.

"Luke c'mon pay attention to this. Do you want to fail your OWLs?" Leo complained, smiling; his hand grazed Luke's for a millisecond, a friendly touch.

"How is this even helping you? All you're doing is grilling me!" Luke responded although he was laughing with him. "You're going to fail the potions practical if me and Ivy don't help you. Remember when you were like drunk?"

Leo turned a bright fuchsia, thinking about what he had told Ivy that day. "That was so embarrassing, don't make me think about it mate."

Ivy smiled, watching them send friendly jibes back and forth instead of studying.

"What are you doing?"

Jumping about five feet in the air, Ivy covered her mouth with her hands. Her whole face a dusty pink as she had been caught spying on her two best friends. "Nothing! I'm not doing anything. Just looking through books."

"About muggle creatures?" Percy Weasley raised an eyebrow and Ivy groaned.

"You can do it too! Why am I the only one who can't seem to do it?" She moaned, pushing the random book she pulled out back in its place. "But fine you caught me."

Suddenly Ivy was put on the spot, she had to protect Leo. "Leo and Luke were talking about something I really didn't want to hear so I've been hiding out here waiting for them to stop. They hardly noticed I left."

"So you're spying on them until they're finished?" Percy inquired, probably not believing her.

"Yes?" Ivy stated although it was more like a question.

Her heart fluttered in her chest, making her feel quite uncomfortable. She looked into his eyes and smiled.

"It looks like they've finished now, so I guess I'll go back!" Ivy squeaked. "Bye!"

Ivy had to try and explain to them why she had no more books, and her oddly warm and red face.


Maybe she should have been expecting a visit from the notorious Weasley twins at some point, but she certainly wasn't expecting the visit to be about Percy.

"So we heard-"

"That you've been-"

"Wearing a Weasley sweater!" They both said at the same time; they were surprisingly tall but then again Ivy was rather small.

"Now who could have given it to you?" One of them asked with a smirk.

The other shook his head and said. "It can't have been ickle Ronniekins, he doesn't know who you are."

"And we would never give presents to a prefect."

"Wait, Prissy Prefect Percy!" One of them chimed. "That must be it."

Ivy smiled, her face feeling a little warm. "It was just a little Christmas present; we do have rounds together."

"Yeah but he likes you."

"It's so obvious."

"So that's why we told mum you were his girlfriend and she made you a jumper." The twins said in unison.

"Wait-what!" Ivy exclaimed, eyes wide. "You told your mum, I was his girlfriend? That's just ridiculous."

"Or is it? Also, mum wants to meet you."

Then they were gone, leaving Ivy blushing and shocked.


Charms was usually a great lesson, one where she wasn't constantly thinking about things and instead let go and helped Marcus. Unfortunately, the little stunt the Weasley twins had played on her had been forefront in her head for days. She had tried almost everything to get every Weasley out of her head but she couldn't. It was like nothing could stop them appearing; they were invading her mind. That had to be it! Fred and George Weasley slipped her some potion or spelled her when she wasn't paying attention.

"Ivy, do you want to get the pillows?" Marcus asked, snapping her out of her daze.

Nodding, Ivy stood up and smiled. Charms was great, there was no Percy Weasley to distract her.

All of a sudden, a foot stuck out and Ivy was sent flying onto the floor. Laughter. Miriam Kyle was cruel, and in no way kind.

"Tripped? Here let me help you up." said Miriam as she reached out for her.

Ivy, surprised by her sudden kindness, accepted only to fall again. She got up on her own and held her head high. And she did get the pillows because nothing would stop her. All she seemed to do was embarrass herself these days in front of certain people. Miriam Kyle and Percy Weasley.


"Did you hear that Ivy Parry, one of the Hufflepuff prefects, fell over twice in charms?" A gossipy first year Gryffindor, Lavender Brown, remarked as three girls watched her walk to the table. "Do you think she'll fall again?"

"Look! Apparently she refused help and then fell on her face!" A blue-and-bronze-tied boy pointed towards her.

Ivy payed no attention.

Dramatically, Ivy sighed. "Seriously? You fall over twice and everyone acts like it's their business."

"Are you alright Ivy? People have been saying you tripped up, I didn't take you to be clumsy."

Seriously? Couldn't Weasleys leave her alone?

"Oh, erm, I'm fine. It was just a little tumble." replied Ivy, despite herself. "I'm not usually so clumsy, I guess I just had a lot on my mind."

Being the nice and generous person Ivy was, she didn't tell anyone how it was Miriam who tripped her up. She would definitely have something bad planned for her later.

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