Sam was coming over in 10 minutes to hang out. I was getting everything ready when I heard a knock on my door.

'Why is he so early?' I thought to myself.

I went to open my door to find Kat pacing back and forth anxiously.

When she saw I opened my door she stormed inside about ready to explode.

"Kat what's wrong?" I asked closing the door.

"I can't take it anymore Colby! You and Sam are supposed to be together! I can't handle having a romantic relationship with him. I love him as a friend, nothing more." She said looking at the ground.

"Kat.." I trailed off not knowing what to say.

I told her to sit down on my couch. I sat next to her and laid my head in my hands.

"He still hasn't remembered anything about us?" I asked her.

She looked at me with a hint of sadness. "No. I've tried to drop subtle hints but he just doesn't get it."

"I don't want to ruin his happiness Kat. You're the only thing that makes him happy."

"Colby. You made him happier than I've ever seen him when you two were together. Try and talk to him at least." She said begging me.

"It'll only make him more confused and angry Kat. I don't want to ruin what he's got going."

She opened her mouth to say something but before she could, Sam walked in and stood in the doorway with his jaw wide open.

Suddenly his eyes lit up with anger and he charged at me. He grabbed me by the collar and pinned me against the wall.

Through gritted teeth he asked, "What the hell are you doing with my girlfriend?"

I tried to say something but Kat spoke up. "Sam stop! I came to him for advice, nothing more!"

He looked back at her and said, "Then why were you guys talking about ruining my happiness?"

He looked back at me and dropped me from the wall.

He looked at Kat, tears starting to fill his eyes. "You're not cheating on me with my best friend are you?"

Kat stood there shocked not knowing what to say. I was the same way. Why would he think that?

He looked between both of us. Tears started trailing down his face. "Tell me!" He shouted which made both of us flinch.

"Sam I would never do that to you!" I said finally. "I would never make a move on your girlfriend. She came and asked me for advice, nothing more."

I wanted to hold him tight and wipe his tears away but I couldn't.

I walked towards him only to have him hold his hand out. "Don't." He told me staring straight into my eyes, his glare stone cold.

He grabbed Katrina's hand and walked out of my apartment.

What the fuck had I done to deserve this?

I walked to my room and fell on bed tears starting to come out of my eyes.

I had to tell him soon, otherwise our friendship was going to crumble.


Why the hell was Katrina going to Colby for advice?

As I dragged her out of his apartment into mine she was on the verge of tears.

I sat her down on my couch and sat across from her.

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