"You said more kisses awaited me right?" I asked suggestively.

"Maybe." she replied grabbing my face.

I smiled getting ready to finally receive what I've been dying for all morning. My lips were burning in anticipation as she leaned in, but stopped because of a light knock coming from the door. It obviously wasn't my mom because she bangs the door with all her might before busting through without waiting for an answer.

"Come in?"

The door slid open slowly, letting appear a small Afro.

"Big brother?" Maïa asked walking in "I can't reach the snack shelf."

"Aww you heard that? She called you big brother!!!" Navia exclaimed clutching my arm.

"Isn't my mom downstairs?" I asked, irritation starting to rise.

"She went into her room and I didn't want to bother her."

I sighed before passing my hand down my face. Was she seriously that short?

"Well hey, I'm Navia, Jaheem's girlfriend."she introduced sticking her hand out.

"My name's Maïa, with a—"

"Ï not a y." I interrupted "Yeah we get it."

Navia glared at me. "Don't be so rude. Anyways I really like your hair Maïa."

"Thank you. I think you're really pretty." she replied.

"Aww, you're so sweet."

"Can you leave?" I finally snapped "I'm busy."

"But I can't reach the top shelf."

"Use the f*ckin stool!"

Maïa's eyes widened, making her look taken back by my loud voice. Navia got off from on me so I looked at her confused.

"Mom said not to because it's broken." Maïa then explained in a hushed voice.

"You mean my mom, don't call her mom because she's not yours."

"Jaheem!" Navia exclaimed hitting me.


"That was really rude! What the f*ck?"

She got up and grabbed her stuff. I grabbed her arm but she yanked it back.


"Don't touch me." she snapped before facing Maïa "I'll help you with what you want okay? Just wait for me downstairs."

Maïa nodded and left my room. I got up to reach for Navia but she shoved me in the chest.

"What the f*ck?!" I exclaimed in confusion.

"That's seriously all you have to say?" she asked looking away with her arms crossed "Jaheem you were really rude and hurtful towards her! That sh*t ain't cool."

"Man you know ion like children. And for once that we were alone she busts through to annoy me."

"She wanted you to help her!" she paused then looked me in the eyes "Wait, so you seriously still hate children? You never once thought of having kids with me?"

"It's not like that..."

"It is like that! You want to have s*x with me but you don't ever want to have children?!"

She looked away shaking her head. I took a step closer and tried to grab her again but she slapped my hand away.

"Don't touch me I said!"

"Navia you can't seriously be mad at me for that." I said calmly, hoping it'll calm her down.

"Well guess what? I am. She lost her parents Jaheem, she finally has a family and you are part of it. You could start acting like it!"

I stayed quiet. I honestly didn't know how to react. It wasn't my fault those little high-pitched dwarfs get on my nerves.

"You know what the most attractive trait I find in guys is?" she asked. I shook my head.

"They're love for the little girl in their life, whether it's a sister or daughter. I find it so adorable how they have a soft spot for her, and how they'd do anything for her." she explained with a small smile but then frowned and looked at me "But you can't do that. If you're a b*tch to your sister how will you treat our daughter? Oh wait, you don't want children."

She was about to walk out but I rushed in front of her and closed the door.

"Navia listen—"

"No you listen. You were acting like a complete a**hole, I thought you changed. I don't know if I can be with a guy that treats his little sister like cr*p."

She shoved pass me and walked out. Everything about what just happened hurt me in the chest. The tone in her voice, the sad look in her eyes, her last words.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Is Navia right for the way she reacted? Don't forget to

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