Naruto vs Sasuke / 12

Comenzar desde el principio

At some point one kick hit Sasuke directly in the stomach and because of the power behind this kick Sasuke was blown some meters away.

Both shinobi took the time and rested a little bit. It had been an intense trade of kicks and punches and it costed even more energy dodging every single attack of the opponent.

"You improved, dobe."

Naruto stiffed. "Told you, idiot."

Suddenly Sasuke began grinning. "But now playtime is over. It's time to elevate this fight on another level.", Sasuke said as he began spasming violently. And Naruto saw why.

The modified cursed mark on his neck began moving and glowing in a purple light. Soon his entire skin was engulfed by the purple light and he began transforming. It was a transformation similar to the one during their battle at the Valley of the End but it was a lot more radical. Instead of two wings, four wings bursted out of his back and therefore shredding his white kimono apart. Sasuke's light skin turned into a dark grey and a large scar spreaded across his face, resembling a giant cross. Sasuke's sharingan eyes suddenly had a more intense red as before and not only his teeth sharpened but he suddenly grew claws at both his hands and feet and those claws were good 3 inches long. The four wings on his back made him bend down so he'd be able to hold the weight of them. Sasuke turned into a disgraceful beast, a much worse creature than in their last battle.

"This.. is my true form, Uzumaki. With Anko's cursed mark I became stronger than ever!"

Naruto shuddered. It was horrifying to see his former comrade, rival and friend in such a state. And it hurted him to see that Sasuke turned into that monster willingly. He closed his eyes. He had no other chance but to show his true power.

Naruto was engulfed by a golden fire that soon covered his entire body. This is what he was training for. And even if he couldn't hold this form for a long time, he was certain that it would be enough to defeat Sasuke.

When the fire disappeared, Sasuke's eyes widened. Naruto was standing there with the same stance as before with no major physical changes but his entire clothing and his entire body consisted of a golden material. It didn't look like his Kyuubi form during their battle where Naruto had one tail spreading out of his back but this looked more noble. There were also a lot of black signs and templates adorning his body. A bright golden aura surrounded his body. Naruto knew: he did it. He awakened the Yang-Nine-Tailes-Chakra Mode.

Sasuke growled. "What is this bullshit?"

Naruto looked up. "This is the result of my everlasting training since you were gone. And I'm gonna proof that this is sufficiant to finish you off."

Sasuke growled once again and flew right up in the air before rushing down at Naruto. Naruto dodged the attack and flashed right behind him so he could grab him and launch him right down on the floor. Sasuke landed with a loud noise resulting in a cracked floor. Nonetheless Naruto didn't give his opponent too much time to rest since he immediately jumped onto him and began punching him right in the face resulting in a screaming Sasuke and a lot of bruises and blood.

Eventually Sasuke managed to push Naruto away and began lashing out at him with his claws. This resulted in some nasty cuts on Naruto's body as well. Once again they engaged in close combat. The intensity was the same: the only difference was the power spreading from every single contact they made. It seemed that every punch they threw at each other caused the floor to rumble.

Sasuke growled and backed up to bring the fight once again on another level.

"I've had enough of this. Chidori: Sword Shape!"

A lightning was built in both Sasuke's hands and those lightnings were shaped into to long swords that were ready to pierce Naruto. But the blonde shinobi stayed unimpressed.

Sasuke growled once again and rushed at Naruto with the intention to stab him with his swords but all Naruto did was porting away using his flash jutsus he used against Kakashi as well. And here were Naruto and Sasuke playing the mouse and cat game. But what seemed for Sasuke being a sign of cowardness was all strategy of Naruto. He waited for an opening so he could blash Sasuke away. And it happened.

At some point Sasuke left himself wide open and so Naruto formed a Rasengan with three sub-Rasengans surrounding it and striked Sasuke directly in the gut which resulted in another loud scream. 

Sasuke was blasted away and was heavily injured. This new Rasengan of Naruto could have resulted in his death if it weren't for his transformation. On the other hand a heavily breathing Naruto was looking at Sasuke. This jutsu wore him completely out and it wasn't much longer until his Chakra Mode vanished.

Sasuke grinned and stood up. "This.. will be my final jutsu, Naruto Uzumaki. And it will finish you."

Sasuke lifted his hand up in the air and a lightning bolt hit him but Sasuke was able to control it. A giant lightning beast came out of the clouds and screamed at Naruto. Sasuke smiled. This would definitely be his end.

Naruto looked at the mighty beast in awe. He had never seen such a powerful jutsu. He was aware that it definitely could kill him. But Naruto wouldn't let this happen. He smiled. He had a beautiful girl waiting for him.

Naruto motioned to create another Rasengan but instead of his normal one, he implicted red chakra into it and combined the aggressive Kyuubi's chakra with his own wild one. A red and blue twirling Rasengan was the result of this chakra combination.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other. This would be the end. One would definitely be the winner of this battle. And the other one would lose much more than probably their life. 

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other. And launched their attack. Sasuke motioned his hand towards Naruto and the lightning beast blasted at the blonde while Naruto launched himself at the growling creature. At this point, the voice of two boys were the only thing that could be heard by humans. Two boys fighting with powers that could match god.



Loud sounds and a giant explosion errupted as everything around those two boys was engulfed in a bright light...

Flowery Fox -  a NaruIno Fanfiction - Naruto vs Sasuke...

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