9. Study Hall and Doodles

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What Ludwig liked about his school is their study hall class where students can work on anything they needed to. Ludwig also disliked this due to the issue that he was always caught up with all his work and had nothing to do. And one can guess yet again that he had no friends in the class.

It was always quiet, as the strict teacher forces everyone to focus on their own work. It was a mixed class with students from all grades. It was disappointing Feliciano wasn't in this one. Maybe in the different schedule days. He would enjoy that.

He enjoyed the science class with Feliciano, despite the Italian always chattering and his father always looking back at them to be silent. The mere presence brought a smile to Ludwig's face. Which was rare.

He sighed deeply as he took out his notebook and started to scribble aimlessly just to make it look like he was working on something.

He thought about Feliciano again, and how he desperately wanted him to join a club together. Ludwig never had someone who wanted to hang around with him so much. And he didn't understand why. He was so bland and serious compared to the ray of light that was Feliciano Vargas. But somehow, he wanted to be around him. And Ludwig wanted to be around him too.

Before he knew it, he had doodled two badly drawn hearts on the paper. When he noticed, he felt his face turn red in embarrassment and quickly crumpled the notebook paper. As he did so, he noticed something else.

There was a doodle on the back of his right hand of a blue flower. He dropped his pen in shock.

"What the hell-"

"Shh!" The teacher silenced him.

Ludwig sat back and forced himself to not make anymore exclamations. The flower was not there earlier. Maybe he doodled it too without noticing like he did with the hearts. But he knew that was impossible because he was doodling with that hand and his pen was black, not blue.

He sat there, staring at the childish and mysterious doodle for a while as he tried to process the shock. And then he stood up, "Miss-"

"Shh!" He was silenced again.

He groaned and raised his hand, waiting.

"Yes, Mr. Beilschimdt?'

"May I go to the restroom?"

With her approval, Ludwig quickly walked out into the hallway and found the nearest bathroom. Luckily for him, there was no one there and he went ahead to take a photo of the doodle so that next time he showed Kiku, he would believe him. He tried to wash it off again and he was somehow not surprised that it would not go away. It was like a tattoo. He scrubbed for a good minute and it did not fade away. He sighed in frustration and simply gave up. He decided to splash some water in his face before he left. But as he looked at the mirror, he stared at the hand. The weird doodle. It suddenly have a stem with a leaf.

Again, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief and stared at the mirror and the hand. How, when, why did this happen?

"What the hell?!"

He felt silly, but now he stared at it intensely. And this time, before he looked away, it happened. A line formed next to the flower and eventually turned into a circle. It was as if someone was writing on him in real time. Soon enough, the circle has petals added on him. All while Ludwig watched speechless.

"What the hell is happening?!" He shook his hand but the doodles continued to happen, "Have I've gone crazy?!"

"Dude, are you okay?" Ludwig turned around to see Alfred center the restroom, "I heard your yelling from the outside,"

Ludwig instantly put his hand behind his back, "Oh. I, uh... You know. Stress?"

"Oh, yeah, I feel ya," Alfred stood idly by, as if he was waiting for Ludwig to leave, "Are you, like high or something?"

"What?" Ludwig pushed his hair out of his face, "No, of course not,"

"Like I don't judge or anything but you're acting kinda weird, dude," Alfred stuttered, "I mean, I wouldn't know cause I don't smoke weed-"

"I'm fine," Ludwig stopped him, "I'm heading back to class,"

Ludwig had no choice but to head out.

"As long as it's not crack or something!" Alfred yelled out, "Make smart choices!"

When Ludwig got to the hallway, he bumped into Kiku.

"Don't tell me the bathroom is flooded again," Kiku greeted as he noticed Ludwig's hurry.

"No, no. I'm just confused..." Ludwig explained, still staring at his hand. The doodling stopped and now he had about five flowers with vines and swirls all around them. He would be lying if he didn't find the artwork cute, but at the moment, that was the last thing on his mind.

"Don't tell me-"

"I'm not high!" Ludwig interrupted him louder than he thought he did, "But I do have a small problem. Can we talk after school?"

"I was going to hang out with Alfred after school... Sorry. Is it that big of a problem?"

"Isn't meeting him in the bathroom during class enough time for you?"

"I-i wasn't going to meet him in the bathroom!" Kiku stuttered, "I didn't even know he's in there,"

"Whatever," Ludwig rolled his eyes, "I'll just call you when you're available. But it's something weird..."

Kiku perked up, "Weird, you say?"

The bell rang, signifying the end of school, and students started to pile out in a rush to go home.

Alfred got out to the hallway, going straight to Kiku, "Hey, Keeks, I thought we were gonna meet in the stall-"

Kiku punched the American's shoulder, to make him notice Ludwig's presence, "Oh, hey dude,"

Ludwig almost laughed seeing both of their flustered expressions, "I'll see you later, Kiku,"

"We were NOT going to meet in the stalls was what I was trying to say!-" Alfred yelled out, only to have Kiku punch him again for embarrassing them both.

Ludwig ignored him, and continue to stare at his hand. No other changes have occured, but he knows for sure that something very odd is going on.




I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I appreciate all comments and votes and I'll see you next update!

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