Flowery Abduction

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Lexile quickly rubbed off the heavy makeup she had put on for dance and pulled her hair out of its tight bun. Long black hair fell around her shoulders and down her back. She sighed and pulled her fingers through her curtain bangs, and the blue stripe that ran through it. 

Three blue streaks flowed through her midnight-black hair. She had no idea how they got there. They weren't dyed (although that's what she told people) they were natural. She just assumed she drank some weird stuff as a kid and moved on, but she still wondered from time to time.

 She grabbed her bags and ran out to her car, shoving her bags inside before she dashed to her friends' meeting place: a tall tree in the middle of the big forest just on the edge of their town. Her friends hadn't showed up at the theater, so Lexile guessed that they had forgotten and went on ahead, but when she got to the tree, they were no where to be found.

Lexile climbed up the tall limbs of the giant tree, settling on the large top of the trunk. After a few minutes, she grabbed her backpack and pulled out a notebook. She had made a goal at the beginning of each month to draw characters from Kingdom Hearts on their respective date. At the moment, it was November, and it was the eleventh day. She was drawing the members of Organization XIII. So she was sketching Marluxia. 

Her friends always told her she had a talent for drawing, but if she did, this was the only way she had found to express it. She bit the end of her pencil and looked around. Where were they? 

"Lexi!" a voice called. Lexile looked down to see Rue and Violet on the ground, smiling up at her. 

Lexile smiled, "What took you guys so long?" she asked as the two girls climbed up the tree. 

"What? Oh, nothing." Rue said, looking away from Lexile. Violet jabbed her with her elbow. "Ow!" she cried, "What?" Violet whispered in her ear. 

Lexile raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

The two flinched, "Nothing." Violet said quickly.

Lexile put away her notebook, "Come on, I know when you guys have something to hide. You two could barely contain yourselves when you planned my surprise birthday party in two days. What is it now?" 

Rue blinked, "How did you find out about that party?" she glared at Violet. Violet gave her an innocent smile. 

Lexile sighed, "You're changing the subject. Just tell me." 

The two girls looked at each other, worried. "Just don't worry about it." Rue told her.

Lexile gave the two a slight glare, "You guys know how stubborn I can be," she replied, "just spit it out. It has to be important." Lexile thought she heard a noise behind her, but as she turned to look, Violet spoke up.

"It's just a family thing," she said quickly, "nothing that you should worry about."

Lexile narrowed her eyes, "How do I know that's that truth?" she asked. Rue bit her lip. Lexile stood up. "Come one guys, we've never lied to each other before. Why now?" Violet looked down. Lexile scowled, "Why now?! What are you hiding?!" she cried. Rue flinched.

Violet looked up again, she had tears in her eyes. Lexile gasped, "I'm sorry if that was harsh. I just-" 

"You have the right to know, Lexi," Violet interrupted, a strange determination in her eyes. Rue looked at her, seemingly shocked. Then she took a deep breath and looked up with the same determination. 

Lexile grew a confused look on her face, "What?" 

"Turn around," Rue stated simply. 

"What?" Lexile asked. 

"Hurry up and turn around!" Violet cried. Lexile gasped and started to turn. Before she could, someone jab her in the stomach, then in push her. She fell down from the tree, falling face-first on the ground, winded. 

"Lexi!" Rue shouted. 

"Hey! You said if we helped you wouldn't hurt her!" Violet screamed.

"But you almost let her see," a voice said. Some man. It sounded familiar. Lexile could feel her consciousnesses fading.

"What the..." she mumbled. 

"Hey! She's still awake!" Rue cried. Lexile heard footsteps. 

"Are you okay?" Violet asked. It sounded like she was whispering in her ear. 

"Sure..." Lexile whimpered. She put one hand on the ground to try and sit up. She heard a thump beside her. "Rue...Violet...?" 

Lexile felt a hand clamp around her arm. It yanked her upward. Lexile blinked, trying to clear her vision. 

"Who are you?" Lexile muttered. She tried to look up, but the figure pulled her to his chest. She couldn't see, but she could smell flowers. 

"Stay calm," the man ordered. Lexile couldn't follow the order if she wanted to. She passed out, the world went black.


Edited: 10/24/22

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