Broken Friendships

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The Next Day


Roxas was laying on his bed, thinking about the events that happened in the days prior. He lifted a hand to his head.

"Xion...Replica Program..." he whispered.

Xion was a puppet made to replicate my powers- the Keyblades powers... he thought. When Xion left the Organization, Axel didn't stop her. Like he wanted her to go. He didn't help with the search for Lelie either. Axel's probably known about Xion for some time now, but has kept it from me. Xion and I are both special Nobodies. Lelie was so special she was just taken in by the Organization, without becoming a Nobody. Xion was a replica. A puppet. 

Roxas rolled onto his side. What about me? Am I a puppet, too? Xemnas said... Sora was what connects Xion and me. But who is Sora? And who am I... supposed to be? 

He sat up. Axel. If he's hiding thing from me about Xion and Lelie, what could he be hiding about me?

Roxas stood up from his bed and walked down to the lobby, where he found Axel.

"Axel," he said.

"Hey, Roxas," Axel replied.

"Did you find Xion or Lelie yet?"

Axel shook his head. "You know it isn't gonna be that easy."

Roxas looked at the floor. "I suppose not..." He looked at Axel. "Have you known... about Xion this whole time?"

"No, not the whole time."

"Since when then?" Roxas asked.

Axel scratched his head. "Uhhh... I can't exactly remember when."

Roxas frowned. "Didn't get it memorized?" He sighed. "Axel...Who am I, really? I'm special, like Xion. I know that. But the Organization wanted me out of the picture. Am I right?"

"Yeah... They did."

"I guess it's 'cause Xion copied my powers, and the Keyblade's powers, and they didn't need me anymore. And Axel, I guess you felt the same way."

Axel shook his head. "You're wrong there. You'll always be my best friend."

"Best friends are supposed to be honest with each other!" Roxas shouted. "Who am I, Axel? Xemnas says me and Xion are connected to each other through Sora. I don't even know a Sora! Am I a puppet like Xion? Or someone like Lelie?!"

"You're different from Xion and Lelie," Axel said calmly.

"Then why d-"

"Finding out the truth doesn't always work out for the best," Axel snapped.

"What makes you so sure about that?" Roxas shouted. "I have the right to know the truth! How did I even get here? Why am I so special? Where did I learn how to use the Keyblade? I hardly know who I am! What is so wrong with wanting some answers!?"

"Roxas..." Axel said gently.

"I need to know, Axel," Roxas said sadly. "Please... Who am I?"

"You've just gotta trust me, Roxas."

Roxas narrowed his eyes. "I don't. I can't." Roxas turned and left the room.

"Roxas," Axel called after him. Roxas ignored him.

"Somebody know where I came from. If I can't get answers here, I'll get them somewhere else," Roxas told Axel. "That'll be the person... I trust."

====Time Skip====

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