Hearts and Pasts

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(Next Day)


Lelie wasn't sent out on the field very much. The rest of the Organization preferred that she stay at the castle and only go out if someone was with her. After exploring the castle, she found the report room and made a habit of going there to help her new friends fill out their paperwork after missions, then leaving with them to meet up for ice cream. She started the day after they all decided to have Roxas and Xion go on missions together.


Roxas and Xion went on a mission together like Axel suggested.

Roxas met Aladdin's friend Genie during his mission. When Genie attempted to magically repair the damage from a sandstorm, Roxas informed him that Aladdin had said he wanted to rebuild the town without relying on magic.

Genie respected his friend's resolve and decided against using his powers.

Roxas reflected on the idea of a friend's resolve.


(That Evening)


Axel, Roxas, Xion, and Lelie sat on top of the tower, talking about their day.

"So best friends are different from plain friends, right?" Xion asked, lowering her ice cream.

"They're about the same," Axel responded.

"Best friends, huh..." Roxas muttered.

Lelie sniffed. "I think best friends are a notch about just plain friends. They're called 'best' for a reason, right?"

"So how are they different?" Roxas asked.

"I don't know," Axel said. "I couldn't tell ya because I don't have any best friends."

"Yeah. I can't remember having any best friends," Lelie shook her head sadly.

Roxas hung his head. "I see..."

They sat in silence for the rest of the day.


18 Days Later


A few weeks later, the whole Organization stood atop the highest tower. Xemnas was talking to them about the giant heart-shaped moon in the sky, Kingdom Hearts. Lelie really didn't care. Not being a Nobody, it didn't effect her if it was completed or not. But it was apparently a bit deal. Everyone was staring up at Kingdom Hearts.

"The time has arrived," Xemnas announced. "And at long last, we see before us the great collection of hearts. Hearts full of rage...hate...sadness... and bliss. Shining down upon us is the crystallization of all hearts- Kingdom Hearts. There, in the sky, hangs the promise of a new world." He turned to them. "My friends! Let us gain further power, to conquer the human heart, and claim it as our own. Let us remember why we are here and what we hope to achieve. Hearts shall be gathered, and be made our own. Hearts shall never again have power over us."

====Time Skip====

That evening, the group was at their usual spot. Thankful that the boring meeting was over. But Roxas and Xion were confused.

"All this fighting... I wonder what it's for," Roxas muttered.

"Come on, you know what it's for. We have to complete the great Kingdom Hearts," Axel said like it was the simplest thing in the world. "You saw it, too, didn't you?"

"But what is Kingdom Hearts?" Roxas asked, he looked at Xion.

"It's the gathering place of hearts...isn't it?" she replied.

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