Meeting Riku

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Lexile slowly opened her eyes. How long had she been out? She realized someone was shaking her.

"Miss? Miss are you okay?" a voice asked. Lexile looked up, a boy stood above her. He had long silver hair and aquamarine blue eyes. He wore a bright yellow shirt and long blue pants. He looked familiar, but she couldn't decide why.

"Who are you?" Lexile looked around, "Where am I?" The place also seemed familiar, but she couldn't tell from where.

"My name is Riku," the boy said, "I think this place is called Castle Oblivion."

"Castle Oblivion?" Lexile repeated. She suddenly thought of Rue and Violet, "My friends! Are they okay?!" Her hand flew to her pendant that was hanging from her neck and laying on the center of her chest.

Riku looked confused, "I don't know. You're the first person I met here besides Mickey and Ansem." 

"Mickey and Ansem?" 

Riku sighed, "Long story. How did you get here?" 

Lexile opened her mouth to answer, but nothing came out. "I...I don't remember." 

"Really?" Riku muttered, "That's strange. I've been doing nothing but following my memories." He helped her stand up. She was a few inches taller than him, and that was because of her boots. Without them, she suspected they would either be the same height, or she would be slightly shorter. "Well, I'll help however I can!" 

Lexile smiled, "Thanks so much Riku!" The boy smiled back.

"Follow me." Riku started to walk to the other side of the room. A person suddenly appeared in the center of the room. Lexile jumped.

"Lexile, there you are. I though Marluxia lost you for good," the man said smugly. He had long dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a long black coat. Yet again, he seemed familiar. He seemed to know her. Did she know him? He kinda scared her. Lexile hid behind Riku.

"Lexile...that's my name?" Lexile muttered. She remembered her friends, but not her own name?

"Who are you?" Riku asked harshly, taking a fighting stance. 

"I take it you're Riku," the man sneered.

"Are you with Ansem?" Riku asked, glaring at the man.

"You are half correct," the man told him, waving a hand in the air. "Let us say that he is not the Ansem with which you are familiar." He brought a hand to his chin, "He is Ansem and he is not Ansem. Perhaps a 'Nobody' best conveys the idea."

Lexile's brow furrowed. Did this man only speak in riddles? Who the heck was Ansem?

"Riddles were never my thing. Try again," Riku spat.

"He belongs to neither the light nor the dark but walks the twilight between," he gave a small, mocking bow. Riku gasped as the man chuckled. "Catching on now?" He stood up, "Oh yes, you also stand in between the light and the darkness. It appears we have much in common."

Lexile looked between the man and Riku. What was he talking about?

Riku's fighting stance relaxed, "Maybe..." he said sadly. "Like you said, there really is darkness left inside of me." A big red and black sword suddenly appeared in his hand. Lexile jumped again. Riku's voice took a hard edge again, "But so what? Darkness is my enemy! And so are you for reeking of that awful smell!" 

"Oh ho! So it's a fight you want," the man grinned. "Very good--I shall take you on!" He summoned a large blue shield.

"Stand back Lexile," Riku warned, "This could get ugly." Lexile ran and hid behind a large pillar. She heard a series of clashes and grunts. After a while, she turned to see Riku charging at the man, though his attacks seem to bound harmlessly off the man's shield.

The man laughed evilly, "I find, coursing through you, there is a darkness of formidable power growing! Well worth the trouble of aggravating you." The man's voice took on a strangely excited tone, "All this excitement had provided me with invaluable data."

"What?!" Riku shouted. The man flung Riku away.

"Many thanks, Riku!" the man shouted. He turned to Lexile, "I have a feeling you too have some interesting information to share. Alas, I'm am not the one that is set to gather it. Until next time my dear!" He waved his hand in the air and disappeared. Lexile pursed her lips. What was he talking about? She gasped as she remembered Riku.

Lexile ran over to him, "Are you alright?" 

Riku didn't answer, "It was a trick all along."

"Don't be angry!" Lexile calmed him, "I have a feeling that guy was a jerk. And a creep."

Riku took a deep breath, "Thanks Lexile. That is your name, right?"

"Yes. But please, call me Lexi," Lexile told him. 

Riku gave her a small smile, "Okay, thanks Lexi. Let's find your friends."

Lexile had a confused look on her face, "Friends?" 

Riku blinked, "Um, yeah. You asked me if you friends were okay." 

Lexile then remembered, "Oh yeah! Friends! Thank you Riku. I don't know why I'm forgetting so much! Let's go!" She started to walk to the door. Riku saw the back of her dark blue shirt was cover in dried blood. 

"What happened to your back?" Riku asked. 

"Hm?" Lexile touched her back, she flinched, "I dunno. I guess I forgot that too."

"It's okay. Just remind me to find you a spare change of clothes on the next floor."


In the basement


Lexeaus walked up to Zexion, "What's happening to Sora?"

Zexion turned to him, "Naminé's powers are being used to shuffle his memories as we speak. Marluxia may well succeed in getting his puppet." He raised a hand to his chin in thought, "Sora would be a valuable asset to the Organization, along with the new girl, Lexile...but Marluxia and Larxene's actions, they leave me quite uneasy. Especially with Marluxia's seeming, interest, towards Lexile. He seems to know something we don't about her."

Lexeaus nodded, "And then there is Axel. Who knows what that one is thinking..."

"Vexen should take care of this," Zexion assured him. "His replica is soon to be completed."

"But Vexen despises Marluxia. Think of the mess it would make."

"So we must tell him," Zexion said simply. "Isn't it better that Vexen clean up the mess than leave it to us?" Zexion left the question hanging for a moment. 

Lexaeus nodded, "Agreed. And the girl?"

"Vexen's machine he implanted in her is working quickly. She has already lost several memories, including those about us. In which we would be in a prime state to abduct her once again, and like Naminé, bend her to the Organization's cause. Nevertheless, we are only observers. The Superior left her in Marluxia's care. He will do what he wants to do regarding her. As long as she isn't returned completely broken."

"And so he left her in Riku's care," Lexeaus grumbled. 

Zexion nodded, "I'm sure Marluxia has planned for that. When what he want's to accomplish is done, then he will come to retrieve her. I am certain."

Lexeaus grunted, "I only think that the sooner her memories are gone, the better." 

Zexion sighed, "As do I. I just hope that by discarding the worthless memories, her true memories shine forth."

"Let us hope..." Lexeaus muttered, though there was nothing in his voice to back it up.

Light From the Pastजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें