Lies and Truth

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Sora, Naminé


Sora stood up after fighting the giant Heartless on the destroyed Destiny Islands. He spun around, looking for Naminé. 

 "Okay... I have to keep her safe..." he gasped. "Naminé! Can you hear me?" He turned to see Naminé standing behind him. A sad expression on her face.

Sora smiled, relieved. He ran over to her. Naminé smiled back. "Sora... you really came for me."

Sora nodded. He grabbed one of her hands in both of his. "It's you... It's really you. I've been through so much just to see you."

"Yes. I wanted to see you, too," Naminé replied. "But this isn't right. I messed up. I wanted to see you... But this isn't the right way."


Naminé put a hand to her heart. "I was lonely for so long. I just couldn't bear it anymore. So I called out to your heart and had you come all the way out to this place." She smiled, though her eyes remained sad. "You came for me and I'm so... so happy, but... but to your heart I had to-"

Sora shook his head. "Don't worry. I'm here because I promised that I would protect you."

"Sora... Thank you," Naminé said, she pulled her hand away. "And I'm sorry. I'm not supposed to be in this picture." She suddenly seemed to be yards away.

Sora raised an eyebrow. 

"That's true," a voice said behind Sora. Sora turned to see...


Sora looked between the two Naminé. One was there and solid, while the other was slightly translucent.

The translucent one spoke. "That isn't me. I'm not there."

"I don't really exist inside your heart," the solid one said.

"I don't exist in anyone's heart."

"I never have existed anywhere."

"What..." Sora gasped. "What are you saying? What's gotten into you? Weren't we inseparable, always together? But then you had to go away... I came here so I'd never lose you again!"

"Was it really me you wanted to see?" translucent-Naminé asked.

Sora shook his head. "Of course it was! I know I've forgotten a lot of things in this castle, but never anything about you!" He pulled out the charm. "Look! You gave this to me, didn't you?"

Solid- Naminé smiled. "You have it! My good luck charm."

"No, Sora! You can't believe me!" translucent-Naminé shouted. Solid-Naminé turned her back to him.

"What am I supposed to do..." Sora muttered.

"Think, Sora," translucent-Naminé said. "Think just one more time. About who's most special to you. Call out to that piece of memory that glimmers faintly deep inside your heart. No matter how far away the light gets, you heart's voice will always reach it."

Sora looked at the charm. "Who's most special to me? That's an easy one. It's you Nami-" He was cut off as the charm glowed brightly. When the light dimmed, a different charm was in his hand. He looked at solid Naminé. But for a second she wasn't Naminé. She was a different girl with short red hair and blue e. 

===Time Skip===

Sora ran up to Naminé. They were both once again in Castle Oblivion.

"It isn't you. The person most special to me... It's not you...Right?" Sora asked.

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