Sure Thing Old Man

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Lexile gasped and she shot up from where she'd been laying. Her head slammed into someone else's. 

"OW!" she shouted, falling back down. Lexile opened one eye. She was laying on a couch in a large white room. She could faintly see a bunch of figures standing around her. She rubbed her eyes, trying to clear them. It only seemed to make them more fuzzy. 

"What...happened?" she whispered, barely able to hear herself. 

"That didn't take as long as I thought," a voice said. Lexile felt someone put a hand over her eyes and push her down, keeping her from seeing. Her eyes started to sting.

"Hey! Stop it! What's going on?" she shouted, kicking. She felt more pairs of hands hold her arms and legs down. 

"She's a feisty one, isn't she?" another voice stated. Lexile stopped for a second, another familiar voice. Where had she heard it? 

"Who are you?" Lexile asked, struggling against the many hands that held her down.

"I think you know the answer to that," a third voice said. Lexile stopped moving, trying to place the voices. Her jaw dropped as it dawned on her. The voices sounded remarkably familiar to the ones of the members of Organization XIII. But that was impossible. They were from a video game.

Lexile felt several of the hand's loosen their grip. Her mind racing, she took the chance. She yanked her arms and legs from the hands that held her. A series of sharp breaths arose. She could feel the hands trying to grab her again. She kicked as hard as she could, eventually pulling away the hand covering her eyes. She jumped off the couch. 

However, she was surprised to find that even when she opened her eyes, the world remained dark. 

"What the..." she whispered, rubbing at her eyes again. "Why can't I see?" 

"It's a simple restraining spell. Just to keep you from doing anything too harsh." The second voice replied. It sounded like Xigbar.

"Spell?" Lexile gasped, "But that's impossible! Things like that don't exist!" She felt a hand clamp over her arm. She struggled against it. "Stop it will you?! What kind of sick excuse for a joke is this?" 

"This is no joke," a fourth voice told her. 

"Then can someone hit me on the head with something? I must be dreaming!" Lexile cried, yanking away the hand. The force she used caused her to fall back onto the floor. There was a loud echo as she heard a few people laugh. 

"You shouldn't resist," another voice said, "there's no going back anyway." 

Lexile gasped, suddenly remembering her friends. "Rue! Violet! Where are they?" she demanded.

"Don't worry. As far as we know, they're fine," a new voice told her. "As long as you behave, they won't be hurt."

"As far as you know?!" Lexile burst, "Where are they?!" 

"They are with the Keyblade's Chosen One," someone said. Lexile sighed. If this was all true, the Keyblade's Chosen One was Sora. Wherever he is would be the safest place for them right?

"What do you want?" Lexile asked, her voice filling with venom. 

"Hey now! No need to be angry!" someone said, startled. It sounded like Demyx. 

"Oh yeah, I totally feel like having a heart-to-heart talk with the people who kidnapped me," Lexile spat, "Oh wait, I forgot. You guys don't have hearts. So I guess that's out window." Lexile gave a small smirk as she said that.

"Well, aren't you sassy," A female said.

Lexile wrinkled her nose, "Speak for yourself you human Pikachu!" 

Larxene, the female in question, gasped, "How dare you?!" 

"Oh...I think I like this one," Xigbar said.

"Sure thing old man," Lexile replied, grinning. 

Xigbar and a few others laughed, strange sounds to hear in complete darkness. Lexile could hear whispers. 

"What are yo-" she was cut off as a pair of hands clamped over her ears. "Aww, come on!" Lexile shouted, squirming. The person held on tighter and she stopped wiggling. She could hear muffled voices. There was a shout. Lexile started squirming again, "Come on! What's going on?" 

The hands squeezed her head, a little too hard. Her ears stung, like they were being licked by fire. Lexile yelped and grabbed on to the hands covering her ears, trying to pull them away. Suddenly the hands threw her down to the ground. Lexile groaned, but she couldn't hear. She groaned again. More 'restraining spell' probably.

Lexile felt a hand grab onto her arm. With no other sense to help her, she allowed it to pull her along. Her other hand was slightly extended to make sure she didn't run into anything. She felt helpless. It angered her. 

After a few minutes of walking. The person who had a stern grip on her arm stopped for a second before walking again. Lexile bumped into what felt like a door-frame. She groaned again, putting a hand to her head. Bumped twice in one day. Terrific. 

The person guiding her pushed her down onto something. It felt like a chair. The person let go of her arm. Sense she couldn't see or hear her way around, she stayed put, waiting. Eventually, the person came back and pulled her up again. Putting their hands on her shoulders, they guided her to something that felt like a bed. They pushed her down so that she was laying on her side. 

At first, she wondered what they were doing. She suddenly felt a stinging on her side. She tried to squirm away, but the person rolled her onto her stomach. Lexile felt a similar stinging on her other side. She whimpered and continued to try and move away. The person put a hand on her shoulder, gently squeezing it so that she didn't move. 

For the next few minutes, similar pains issued from other areas of her body, like her arms, hands, and legs. Finally, though she couldn't hear it, she asked, "What are you doing?" She could feel the person putting their hands to her ears. A pain grew and died. When the person removed their hands, she could hear again. She still couldn't see though.

"What was all that?" she asked, annoyed. 

"Nothing that you should worry too much about," the person said. It sounded a little like Marluxia. Joy.

"Why shouldn't I worry?" Lexile asked, sitting up. 

"The injections I just gave you make it so we can cause things like your hearing or sight loss. Push against us hard enough and we can even make you go unconscious," he told her. 

"What a cozy thought," Lexile said with as much venom as she could. She suddenly felt very light-headed. She fell back onto the bed.

"Oh, right. Sense you're body will have to get used to the injection, it might cause you to black-out in order to preserve energy." 

Lexile growled, "Thanks for the heads-up." 

Marluxia chuckled, "You'll be very interesting indeed." 

Lexile couldn't talk back because she immediately passed out, the world turning even darker. 



Edited 10/24/22

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