Buried Memories: First Keyblade War

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(A/N) I do not own the images, video, or the characters. They belong to their respective owners and creators. I just really like them. And does the song remind anyone of the Keyblade War for some reason? Or is it just me? 


Lelie coughed, blood spattering on the ground before her. The clashing sound of Keyblades still surrounded her. A part of her wished that she had accepted Lauriam's offer to take her to somewhere safe, but she knew what had to be done. She heard footsteps. Her head shot up, Master Aced stood above her. 

"You must be very powerful to have survived this long." he said. 

"Why are you all doing this?" Lelie rasped, stumbling to her feet.  She already knew the answer, but she must keep playing the game. Aced didn't answer, instead summoning his Keyblade. Lelie sighed, "Fine, if you want it, come and get it!" She summoned her own Keyblade and charged at the master. 

He easily blocked her attack, shoving her to the side. "Perhaps I was wrong," he said calmly, "perhaps you only survived because of luck." 

Lelie spat more blood, "No! I'm strong!" Just tired. She put her bloodied hand on her chest, "My heart...is strong." she whispered. Aced didn't hear, slowly approaching Lelie, lifting up his Keyblade. Lelie didn't fight back, she just waited. She heard Aced yell as he brought his Keyblade down. Lelie never felt the blow, for it never reached her. Lelie looked up to see Master Ira standing above her, blocking the attack. 

"Ira..." Lelie gasped. 

"You're wounded, run!" Ira grunted. 

"Why save me?" Lelie asked quietly, slowly standing as Ira pushed Aced away. 

Ira looked at her, keeping the point of his Keyblade trained on Aced. "You know why." 

Lelie looked down. Few knew about who she really was, Ira was one of those few. Ava was another. "But I'm nothing without him, without my father." Or her mother.

Aced charged at Ira, "What are you telling her?!" he shouted, clashing against Ira again.

"You heard me Lelie! Run!" Ira shouted. 

Lelie quickly obeyed, rushing away from the two masters. Tears started to streak down her face. She felt like a child. First, her best friend disappears. Second, she give up her beloved sister for a stupid war. Now this? How much more would she have to sacrifice?

She collapsed by a large rock outcropping that hid her from the rest of the battle. She buried her head into the hands and cried. 

"Lelie?" a soft voice asked. Lelie looked up to see Ava. 

"Master Ava?" Lelie whispered. 

Ava sat down next to her, gently putting a hand on her shoulder. "Please Lelie, I told you to just call me Ava." 

Lelie laughed slightly, "I suppose you did." She looked at her bloodied hands, now also wet with tears. 

"Why are you here? I thought I told Luariam to take you with the other Dandelions," Ava said in a hushed tone. 

"You told him to take me?" Lelie whispered. 

Ava shrugged, "I suggested it."

Lelie sighed, blowing a piece of hair out of her face, "I wanted to stay here and fight." 

"But you're in danger here." Ava protested. 

"Isn't everyone?" Lelie exclaimed, looking at Ava. "How can I just leave you all behind and hide?!"

"Because you have to hide." Ava insisted, "You have to survive."

"You want me to! Please Ava, understand! This is what my heart told me to do!" Lelie yelled. Ava gasped, surprised. Lelie stood up, summoning her Keyblade, Lost Memory. 

"I've been given this," Lelie said, "I think I should use it." 

Ava sighed, "I'm not going to be able to back you out of this am I?"

Lelie grinned, "Nope." 

Ava sighed again and stood up, "Well, I suppose I'll fight alongside you then." she said as she summoned her own Keyblade.

Lelie smiled at her friend, "Thank you Ava." 

Ava smiled back, "Just focus on staying alive." 

Lelie winked, "I'll try." 

Together, the rushed once again into the Keyblade War. 


Edited 10/24/22

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