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19 Days Later


Roxas woke up with a start. He had just had the strangest dream. He raised a hand to his face and was surprised to find it wet.

"What...is this...?" he whispered.



After Xion returned to the Organization, Roxas grew weaker by the day. It was as though Xion continued to gain strength as Roxas lost it.

Using the Keyblade was beginning to wear out Roxas.


====Time Skip=====

That Evening


Roxas and Xion sat on top of the clock tower. Xion turned to Roxas.

"Are you really okay?" she asked again. 

Roxas chuckled. "This is getting weird."


"Since when do you ever worry about me?" Roxas asked with a smile. 

"What do you mean 'weird'?"

"Usually, I do all the worrying over you," Roxas explained. "I don't think it's ever been the other way around before. Just feels strange, that's all."

"Roxas, of course I worry about you," Xion told the blonde Nobody. 

"I'm just glad you're back, Xion. Even though it might have been rough on you. Soon, we'll get Lelie back too."

Xion turned to Roxas. "Is Axel coming today?"

Roxas sighed. "Who knows..." he replied venomously.

Xion's brow furrowed. "You didn't fight, did you?"

"How could he?" Roxas growled. "How could that jerk attack you like that? And why isn't he looking for Lelie? He was the one who first brought her here in the first place."

Xion looked down. "...'That jerk'...? Do you mean Axel? But, I wouldn't be sitting here with you if Axel hadn't done that. And I'm sure he's doing everything he can to find Lelie. Come on, he's your best friend."

"I know, but so are you," Roxas protested.

Xion gave Roxas a small smile. "It's just not the same without all four of us..."

Roxas sighed and they turned back to he sunset.

====Time Skip====



Axel was walking through the castle when Xion came up behind him.

"You need something?" he asked.

"Well, um..." Xion started. "Something's wrong with Roxas. You don't know why, do you? He says the Keyblade wears him out when he goes to use it. And then today, I was fighting the same way Roxas does."

"You would know more about Roxas that I do by now," Axel replied.

"What do you mean?"

Axel sighed and turned to Xion. He crossed his arms. "Well, what do you think, Xion?"

Xion bit her lip. "I'm not sure."

"Not sure, huh? Is that because you're a puppet?" Xion gasped and looked at Axel. "You do know that," Axel continued. "You're a replica whose original purpose was to copy Roxas's powers. So if you see Roxas's powers getting weaker, while your powers are getting stronger... It could be that you're robbing Roxas of his powers more than you oughta be."

Xion was quiet for a moment. "What can I...Then what should I do?"

"You gotta think for yourself," Axel answered. "Cuz I know you're not just a puppet. We're best friends. You, me, Lelie, and Roxas, that is. Got it memorized?"

Xion smiled. "Sure." Her smiled dropped. "Can I ask you just one other thing?"

"What's that?"

"I saw a boy today who looks just like Roxas," Xion said. Axel's eyes widened. "Is he who I think he is?"

Little did the two of them know that a certain Nobody with a scar and eye-patch was listening in on their conversation...

====Time Skip====

The Next Day


Xigbar was telling Xemnas and Saix about what he had overheard yesterday.

"Sora has a pretty powerful effect on her is all I'm saying," Xigbar finished.

"Yes," Xemnas agreed, "it was not supposed to gain a mind of its own, nor become the person we see. But in the end, it only proves that the puppet is the more worthy vessel." He thought for a moment. "The time has come," he finally announced. "Saix, are the devices ready?"

"In a matter of days," Saix reported.

"Good," Xemnas replied.

"And what of Roxas and Lelie?" Saix asked.

"Both Xion and Roxas have connections to Sora, but we only need one of them under our thumb," Xemnas said. "Whether Xion takes from Roxas the rest of what he has to give, or, whether he destroys her first and takes back what is his, there is no change to our plans. Lelie, over her time away from us, might have already been swayed away from our cause. If that is so, we just need to make sure she does not meddle with our plans. Though, if possible, it would help us if she came back and lent us her powers. But no matter how, Sora's power will belong to us."

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