The Organization

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Lexile slowly opened her eyes. She was awakened by the sound of agitated conversation. She stayed quiet, hoping no one would notice her.

It was the first man Lexile met with Riku, Vexen, and a woman with short blonde hair with small pigtails that looked like antennae. There was also a man with fiery red hair and bright green eyes. Lexile noticed the small girl in a white dress siting next to her. The girl had a pad of paper opened on her lap, and a crayon in her hand. Her mouth opened as if to say something, but Lexile quickly raised a finger to her lips. The girl gave a small nod and turned back to her drawing pad.

"So what's going on, Vexen?" the blonde woman asked. "Your Riku was supposed to counter Sora. What's he waiting for? Where is he?" Lexile blinked. Vexen's Riku? The replica? Who was Sora?

Vexen scowled, obviously not happy with the woman's outbursts.

"He's hiding somewhere to lure Sora deeper into the castle, right? I suppose we should just leave it at that, you know," the red-haired man said somewhat smugly, rolling his eyes.

The woman grinned. "A-ha! Oh, I see now! I would have never guessed that. So sorry, Vexen."

"Silence!" Vexen shouted. Lexile flinched.

The woman looked at Vexen with more of a bored expression. "Predictable response," she said dryly. She looked away. "Forget it. Men without hearts are so boring." Lexile bit her lip. They didn't have hearts?

"You're one to talk," Vexen spat. "As if you have such a heart to speak of yourself."

"That's enough," a voice demanded. 

Lexile flinched. It was the same voice of the figure who took her away from Riku. A figure appeared on the other side of the room.

"Marluxia!" Vexen gasped as the figure pulled down his hood. Marluxia had long pink-colored hair and striking blue eyes. A few flower petals fell from his hood. He stepped toward the group.

"Vexen, the simple fact is that your project was a failure. You'd best not disappoint us again," Marluxia told Vexen, slightly glaring at the older male.

"Disappoint YOU? You go too far!" Vexen exclaimed. "In this Organization, you're Number 11! I'm Number 4 and I not have you-" He was cut off as Marluxia summoned a large scythe in his hand and pushed it's tip under Vexen's chin.

"I've been entrusted this castle, Naminé, and Lexile by our leader," Marluxia said calmly. "Defying me will be seen as treason against the Organization." Lexile tensed. These people were dealing out information faster than her brain could process. Someone- their boss- trusted Marluxia with her? Organization? She guessed that the girl beside her was Naminé. Who were these people? What did they want?

"'Traitors are eliminated.' I believe that's what the rules say," the red-haired man said. Vexen gritted his teeth.

"Who needs a half-baked good-for-nothing, anyway?" the woman asked, grinning darkly.

Marluxia gave a smug smile. "Vexen, you cannot win against Sora." Lexile blinked. Seriously? Who was this Sora? He seemed pretty important.

Vexen smirked. "Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might."

"Oh?" Marluxia's scythe disappeared in a swirl of flower petals. "Then let us watch as you prove it."

"What?" Vexen gasped.

Marluxia turned away from him. "None of us wish to be suspicious of a comrade."

"Your insincerity is comforting," Vexen growled, disappearing.

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