Vacation Promise

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29 Days Later




The girl in the white dress stood in front of the giant pod. The tall man in the dark robes walked toward her.

"You seem to be struggling," he said.

"A Nobody is interfering, I think," the girl reported.

The man stopped beside her. "A Nobody?"

"I keep trying to piece his memory back together, but what if some of the pieces got lost? There would be no way for me to finish. If that happened, and they found their way into someone else, he'd never get them back."

"Oh, I think he can do without a memory or two," the man said confidently.

The girl turned to him. "But wh-what if he needs those memories in order to wake up?" She looked down. "What if they're the key?"

The man sighed. "Naminé... You are a witch who has power over Sora's memories and those connected to him. Are you seeing something I cannot?"

Naminé looked at the large pod. "If his memories become her memories... she will never survive it."


====Time Skip====

Roxas, Axel, Xion, Lelie


The group was sitting at their usual spot, eating ice cream. 

"Hey, Axel?" Xion asked.

"Hm?" Axel said, mouth full.

"You've been to Castle Oblivion, right?" Xion asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah," Axel answered. Xion was quiet for a moment.

"What is it like?" she finally said.

"What's it like? Just an Organization research facility," Axel said.

"Really boring. There was almost nothing to do," Lelie added.

"For research, huh?" Roxas repeated. "Seems everyone gets sent there all the time. Especially you, Axel."

"Although... they never send me or Roxas," Xion pointed out.

"Well... they probably just don't need you there," Axel concluded.

"Trust me, you don't want to go there," Lelie advised. 

Xion was quiet again. "I'm...I'm heading back." She stood up to leave, when she suddenly gasped and fell, Roxas barely caught her before she plummeted to the ground. 

Lelie and Axel helped Roxas pulled Xion up.

"Maybe you're not completely well yet," Roxas suggested.

Xion shook her head. "No, it's nothing like that." Everyone was quiet for a moment. Axel looked down to the courtyard below them.

"Got it!" he suddenly shouted. Lelie jumped.

"Jeez! Don't scare me like that!" Lelie yelped.

"Got what?" Roxas asked.

Axel grinned. "On our next day off, let's all go to the beach!"

"The beach?" Xion repeated. "Where did that idea come from?"

"We should go someplace different for a change," Axel said excitedly. 

Lelie looked over the edge. "I did wonder why you decided to come here anyway..."

Roxas smiled at Axel. "You're talking about a vacation with friends."

"Exactly," Axel agreed.

"Cool! Count me in!" Lelie exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Xion bit her lip. "I'll join you... if I can."

"What are you talking about, Xion?" Roxas asked.

"It'll be a blast, trust me," Axel promised.

"Yes, all right," Xion gave a small smile. "Let's go."

====Time Skip====

The Next Day



Xion, depressed, left without finishing her ice cream.

Roxas asked Axel and Lelie is she was alright but received a dismissive response. 

Roxas wondered if Xion might feel better if the four of them went to the beach together, like they had promised the other day.

Xion found the information Saix had entered regarding Castle Oblivion.


30 Days Later


Saix and Xemnas were conversing with Xigbar, regarding the members and Castle Oblivion.

"I sent Axel to Castle Oblivion last night," Saix informed, "to help expedite the matter we spoke of. I also instructed him to clear out our facilities there. He should return soon."

"And what of Naminé?" Xemnas asked.

"Still missing, sir," Saix said.

Xigbar laughed loudly. "Where, oh where could she be?"

"Why, Xigbar... It almost sound as though you know," Saix said dryly. Xigbar tilted his head and smirked. Saix growled.

"Continue," Xemnas ordered.

"Somebody accessed out main computer without authorization," Saix said. 

"And you expect us to believe you really don't know who it was? As if," Xigbar spat. "Little Poppet is turning into a problem."

"Nonsense," Saix dismissed. "I see no problem whatsoever."

Xigbar laughed again. "We, no, apparently you don't!" He jabbed a finger at Saix. 

"Something you find amusing?" Saix asked.

"Ah, the things you hear from a guy with no heart," Xigbar sneered. Saix glared and opened his mouth to talk, but Xemnas interrupted him.

"No matter what unfolds, our plans remain unchanged," he ordered. "Axel, Roxas, Lelie, and Xion, will play the respective roles that Kingdom Hearts has given them."

"But sir, Xion-" Saix started to object.

"Leave it be," Xemnas insisted. "How can you not see how perfect this is? In truth, this is more than perfect. Xion is marching right into the arms of destiny but to destiny's own time. We need not take any more steps. All we must do is watch with caution and patience."

"And what do you say about Lelie?" Xigbar asked. "She doesn't seem to be remembering anything."

"Remember when she fell into a deep slumber?" Saix asked. Xigbar glared but nodded. "She told us that she had a strange dream, I have reasons to believe that the dream was really memories. But she is to hesitant to open up to us about the matter."

"But if that was the case, wouldn't she now be able to summon her Keyblade? I have only seen her using the weapon we gave her," Xigbar pointed out. "Or is she hiding that from us too? Surely she would've told Axel or Roxas. Perhaps even Xion. And if she does have it, why doesn't she use it?"

"Lelie's case is more...foggy, than most," Xemnas said. "But I see no reason to fret, if it is memories of her old life in Radiant Garden that she has seen, it would make sense for her to be more weary of us. But again, we must only wait and see. She will realize her powers in due time, and when they do, there is no way for her to hid it. As long as she does not seek out Riku, she will easily be a great weapon pointed towards our cause."

Saix sighed. "If you say so...sir."

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