He looked like he was in pain. It hurt me to see him this way for some reason and I didn't know why.

After a while he looked at me and said, "I'm not supposed to tell you what we were before your accident. It sucks you can't remember on your own. I can't blame you though because it was my fault your the way you are right now."

What was he talking about? Everyone told me I had been in an accident. How was it his fault?

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused.

"Like I said, I'm not supposed to say anything." He said to me.

I got and up and told him, "Well I'm going to find out either way."

He looked at me surprised before I made my way towards the stairs.

I could have sworn that when I walked up the stairs I heard him say, "I love you."

Colby POV

It was eating me alive I couldn't just tell him about us. I told him about our friendship but I wanted so badly to tell him about our romance.

He would definitely remember if I told him that. Wouldn't he? 

I went upstairs to my room in my depressed mood I had been in since the accident.

2 weeks it had been since I last saw the real Sam.

I closed the door behind me and fell down on my bed. I started crying into my pillow.

I blamed myself for the way he was because it truly was my fault.

Had I never hung out with Brennen or fake dates him to make Sam jealous, none of this would have happened.

All of sudden I heard a knock on the door. I stifled a mumble but nothing more. The door opened and I didn't even bother lifting my head up. Someone sat next to me on my bed and hugged me. This hug felt familiar. I looked up and saw Sam staring back at me with worry covering his face.

"Colby what's the matter?" He asked.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to tell him.

"I miss you Sam. That's what's wrong. I miss the way you would hold me at night and the way you'd kiss me. I miss your warmth. I miss you." I said to him knowing it would only leave him more confused than he already was.

His face turned pink and he sat there confused. Knew it.

"Forget it you don't know what I'm talking about anyway." I said laying my face back into my pillow.

"I'm pretty sure I understand that I was very important to you in many ways. What I don't understand is the fact that I have a girlfriend and you're over here sounding like we were dating." He said back to me, confusion contorting his face.

I decided to tell him everything from the first time we kissed to where we wanted to let our followers know we were dating. I told him how Katrina was his cover up if we ever slipped up on camera. I also told him about the big fight we had.

He was more confused than he ever had been.

"So you're telling me we were dating before this all happened to me?" He asked gesturing towards his cut and bruised body.

"Yeah.." I trailed off. "You know... I'd be better if I showed you." I said and grabbed his hand and dragged him down the stairs outside to my car.

"Where are we going?" He asked me.

"You'll see soon enough."

I drove to our first apartment complex, hoping he may remember it.

"I- I've seen this before.." he said when I pulled into the parking lot.

" I was hoping you'd say that. This was where our first apartment was when we moved to LA. We were so dead set on moving here we didn't care where we lived. Along as we were together, everything was fine." I said reminiscing on the past.

"Sam and Colby again the world." I heard him whisper.

"Are you remembering something?" I asked him hopeful.

"Kind of, but not that much.." he said showing a hint of disappointment.

"Maybe it would help if I told you this is where I first fell in love with you."

His face turned a bright red and so did mine. I could tell he was uncomfortable so I didn't push in the subject too much longer.

I pulled out of the parking lot and drove around from showing him all the different places we had gone in the past.

I showed him the bakery where we met Corey and Elton at and how we had our first date there.

I prayed that this was helping him. It'd be nice to relive these memories with him one day.

Finally after hours driving around LA, I decided we should probably head back home.

When we arrived it was starting to get dark outside. I followed Sam inside and locked the front door just for caution.

Everyone was sitting in the living room. Immediately they all got up and asked, "Where were you guys?"

We both looked at each other surprised.

"I showed Sam some places where we had important memories together." I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.

Elton looked at Sam and asked, "Did you remember anything?"

Sam looked down at the ground and in disappointment said, "A little but not enough to really understand the full story."

"Well I'm going to walk Sam to his room." I said quickly grabbing his wrist.

"Ummm ok." Jake said confused.

Sam was also confused as to why I was pulling him and showing him to his room when I knew he could go to his room on his own.

I stopped in front of his room and started into his beautiful blue eyes.

I just wanted him alone so I could do this...

I leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you." I simply said. He stood there stunned.

I didn't give him a chance to say a word before I walked into my room, not regretting what I did one bit.

A/N- I'm sorry if this chapter was boring. I promise it'll get better soon! Thank you for your continuous support! I can't wait till Sam and Colby post their video on Sunday. Sad boi hours are still upon us. Anywayssss be sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter! ~Carissa

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