T~W~O: Lunch

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^^ Jack Avery ^^

Hollister Ray:

Jack and I walked in to the cafeteria and went to our usual table. Three tables from the back of the room. I hugged Camry and Jack did some weird bro shake with Lane. Jack and Lane started talking about some rapper and then I heard Lane bring up Stillwater Baseball Park.

"Wait, you did what to the baseball park?" Jack asked Lane. At that moment, my head turned so fast to them, that I swear I popped something. 

"So,  me and some of the boys got a whole bunch of kerosene and matches, lit like 3 fields on fire. Then got some spray paint, got to work, all together, it is just now  burnt piece of shit with a whole bunch of spray paint everywhere. All that's left is one field. Some kid showed up before we could finish. I don't know how, but he put the entire fire out."

Before my head could catch up to my mouth, it opened. "Lane! Why the hell would you do that?"

"Why do you care? I thought you hated that place?" His english accent was thick.

"I-I mean," I stuttered. "I don't. That place is just worthless shit, but you could've gotten in a shit ton of trouble." I quickly covered my tracks. To be honest, I loved that place, and the fact that he did that makes me livid.  I used to play softball there, and it was the last place, my parents came to something of mine. But why would I tell people that I love a dirty field, that I used to play on? They would think weird things about me and I don't need my dugout nickname spreading around my high school. I still have to go here for 2 more years.

"But we didn't," he said in a duh tone. God! I want to smack that stupid ass smirk off his face.

"It's fine, Holls," Jack said.


Jonah Marais:

"Dude, quit staring and go talk to her." My friend, Nate, pushes me.

"Me? Talk to Hollister Ray? No."

"Come on, Dude. I talked to her today, about stuff other than science. She isn't as "Preppy Dumb Bitch" as everyone puts her out to be." My Best Friend, Seth, says. 

"Just go!" Nate says.

"Fine." I adjust my snap back and walk over to her table. Just before I get to her table, I here some guy say something about Stillwater Baseball Park.

"Wait, you did what to the baseball park?" Some curly headed kid asked. When he said that, Hollister's head snapped to him. As if she cared. She has it made known that she hates my favorite place on earth.

"So, me and some of the boys got a whole bunch of kerosene and matches, lit like 3 fields on fire. Then got some spray paint, got to work, all together, it is just now burnt piece of shit with a whole bunch of spray paint everywhere. All that's left is one field. Some kid showed up before we could finish. I don't know how, but he put the entire fire out." Some kid with dark hair and an english accent said.

What the hell? I thought to myself. I stormed over to my table.

"Have any of you been to the diamond this week?" I said to my friends.

"Not since we played on Tuesday," Michael answered.

"Why?" Seth asks.

"They burnt it down."



Kind of a cliff hanger. If you forgot what Jonah looked like, you will see him in the next chapter, but until then, enjoy this cute photo I found today

 If you forgot what Jonah looked like, you will see him in the next chapter, but until then, enjoy this cute photo I found today

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