F~I~V~E: Tour Part 1

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Hollister Ray:

We pull up to the most gorgeous house I have ever seen. With a white exterior and glass balconies. A huge pool and at least 3 stories high.


Just Imagine Noah and Lee Flynn's house from the kissing booth

Just Imagine Noah and Lee Flynn's house from the kissing booth

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God, it was stunning. I park and we get out of my car, walking to the house, arms linked.

"I'm gonna go find Jack, kay? Meet me at the pool in a bit." I told Camry.

"Just text me." I walked around for a little bit until I bumped into Lane.

"Oh, hey, Lane!"

"Hey, cutie," he winked at me.

"Have you seen Jack?" I asked. He looked a little buzzed so I didn't know if he would be able to answer me.

"Oh, yeah. Just walk down that hallway over there to your right. He's with some blonde kid and some kid with dark hair," he said bending down to my height and pointing.

"Thanks, Lane."

"No problem babe." I followed his directions and walked down the hall, to the right. It was an evenly long hall but not to far. 35 feet maybe? Just before I got to the end of the hall, it was quiet so I could hear their conversation.

"So, I've heard you sing man, you're great. You could go somewhere with that." Corbyn said. "I've worked with the both of you, together, we could go far. We just have to find our sound." I couldn't see the other boy, but I was thinking it was Daniel.

"So, what are you saying bro?" An unfamiliar voice spoke. It definitely wasn't Jack or Daniel. 

"I'm going on tour, and I want you two to go with me."

"Really?" Jack asked.

"Dead-ass. Come with me guys! Don't get me wrong, I know you're only a sophomore and you're only a freshman, but this could do a lot, for all of us." Corbyn responded.

"I'm so down. Who needs school anyway?" The other boy answers.



Jack Avery:

"Jack?" I can't believe Corbyn just asked me to go on tour with him and that Zach kid. This could be so huge.

"Jack? What do you say man?"


Hollister Ray:

"Jack? What do you say man?"

"I say... Let's Fucking Go!"



OOF! Kinda but not really a cliff hanger. I know that this is starting off kinda slow, but I had to have this happen before she can actually meet Jonah. She meets Jonah in 2 chapters. So not the next one, but the one after. Don't forget to

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Also, way short this time, but soon to be Limelights. Soon to be.

Thanks boo's!

(word count: 374)

Love you Limelights


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