O~N~E: Intro

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^^ Hollister Ray ^^

Hollister Ray:

The piercing sound of  an alarm clock buzzed through my dream, waking me up. I rolled over to turn of my alarm, and accidentally fell out of my bed itself.

"Shit." I groaned and rubbed my head. "Ugh. What a great way to start off the day," I complain. I get up off the floor and head to my bathroom.  I turn on some music and jump in the shower. I get out and decided to leave my hair down today. My head still hurts so I don't really wanna put a whole bunch of light in my face to do my makeup, so I go all natural today. I search my closet for the perfect outfit.  I decide on a blue and white, marbled skirt and a white cropped tank top.

  I decide on a blue and white, marbled skirt and a white cropped tank top

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I grab my phone, keys, and wallet and walk down the stairs.  Of course, my parents and the twins are already gone. And of course, they didn't leave a note or anything like that. I walk out to my blazing red jaguar convertible. As I jam down the road, my phone rings.

*Incoming call from:  Jack Avery💛 *

I pick up.


"Hey, baby!" Jack says before I can even say anything.

"Hey, Jack."

"So, party. Tonight. Corbyn Besson's house."

"Have? Fun?" I say confused.

"No, baby, come with me."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I should've pieced that together. I'm just a little off this morning."


"I'll see you at school?"

"Bye, Holls."

"Bye, Avery."

Call End~~~

I walk into the school and into homeroom.

"Good Morning Miss. Lee" I say to my best friend.

"In a good mood this morning Miss. Ray?"

"Yes and no, Camry."


"Well, I fell outta bed and hit my head this morning."

"And..." she trails off.

"And we are going to a party tonight at," I stop and look around. Barely anyone is in class, including the teacher. "At Corbyn Besson's house."


"Yep. Apparently, he and Jack are friends."

"BET!" Camry said as the bell rang and about 15 students fled into the room.

"All right class, settle down now."


I went all the way through 5th period and couldn't wait for lunch. Right now, I'm twiddling my thumbs in science. I started clicking my pen, waiting for the bell to ring. I checked my phone.


UGH!! I probably sound pretty impatient right now, but this 2 minutes was agonizing.  Apparently, while I was being impatient, someone noticed, because my lab partner, I think his name is Seth, turned to me and spoke.

"Dude," he spoke, nudging me, making me look up at him. His hazel eyes met my brown ones and he continued. "You good?"

"Yeah, I'm just really damn hungry." He gave me a confused look as the bell rang. We walked out of the room together and down the hall until I saw Jack and his angry face. I stopped and turned to Jack. Seth put his hand on my arm.

"Lunchroom's this way." he said pointing to the sea of kids walking in the same direction.

"I know, I just have to make a quick stop."

"Welp, see you around hungry," he waved as he walked off.  I walk over to Jack and start regretting it.


"What the hell was that?" He glares in Seth's direction.

"Are you talking about Seth?" I ask doing a 180 towards Seth, then doing another back to Jack. He continues to glare so I take it as my cue to go on. "It was nothing. I was being impatient waiting for lunch and being extra fidgety and he asked me if I was good." He still look angry, leaning up against the lockers. I got close to his face and kissed him. He put his hand on my hips and I pulled back, putting my forehead to his. "I promise." 

Jack put his arm around my waist and we walked to the cafeteria, together.



I know it isn't super interesting yet, but in about 3-4 chapters, we meet everyone and it starts to get SPICY!!!


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