T~W~E~L~E~V~E: Monica

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^^ Monica Mo'nistella^^

Hollister Ray:

I watch Jonah try to eat a cookie that just came out of the oven, burning his finger and mouth, he spit the cookie out and rushed for the milk. I laughed at him as Mandy came into the kitchen.

"Miss. Ray?" She spoke, softly.

"You know you can call me Hollister, right?"

"Yes, Mi- Hollister. The clothes you asked me to wash and dry are ready."

"Thanks, will you lay them on my bed and uh, wait one second." I said, turning to Jonah. I walked up to him and whispered. "Uh..." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. "Do you, uh, want some new..." I said, hoping he would catch on.

"Underwear?" He finished for me. "I don't really wanna wear your dad's undies. I'll be okay," he chuckled.

"Or, I mean. You can take a shower and I'll have Mandy throw them in the dryer. I was gonna shower anyway, while we let the cookies cool. I mean, if you're comfortable with it." I shot my eyes down to the floor.

"Yeah, we can do that," he lifted my head and winked. I shoved his arm and laughed.

"Not together, you perv!" He laughed and I told Mandy that I would bring them to her. I grabbed Jonah's hand and walked him to our guest bathroom. I pushed him in there and closed the door. "When you are done, just come up to my room, your clothes are in there."

"Okay, Holli. And how do I get these to Mandy?"

"Just give them to me," I said, pursing my lips and sighing. He slightly opened the door and shoved his hand out, holding his Calvin Klein's. "Thanks," we both said at the same time as I grabbed them from him. "I- yeah," I said, turning around and walking to the laundry room. I walked in and saw Mandy, folding some clothes. "Thanks for everything, Mandy." I smiled at her.

"It's really my pleasure," she smiled.

"Uh- here," I handed her the Calvin Klein's. She took them from me and smiled.

"So, who is this boy? He must be pretty special if I'm drying his underwear," she smirked at me, tossing the boxers into the dryer and setting them for ten minutes. We walked and talked.

"Well, first of all, his name is Jonah and we met yesterday and I know that sounds really bad, but we hung out all night and I basically told him everything. As he did too. Then we spent the day together and I feel this weird connection to him. Jack and I broke up before I saw him and I guess he is making me feel better and we have little moments like the one in the pool that you saw. That was moment number three. He is basically my best friend and I don't know what it is that I feel about him, but I don't want him to be a rebound, you know?" She smiled at me as we entered my room. She laid our clothes on my bed as she spoke.

"I can tell, he is going to be around a lot more. Make sure he is. He is definitely a keeper. I hope you figure out what you feel about him because he knows exactly what he wants. You should see the way he looks at you and deconstructs your every move. It might seem early, but I can bet you were his 'Love at first sight'. You're it for him, Holli." I hugged her.

"Thank you again, for everything, Mandy. I'm gonna shower."

"I'll be in our living quarters if you need me." I smiled and walked into my bathroom. I turned on my Spotify playlist yet again and walked back into my room, taking off the clothes left on my body and placing them in my laundry hamper. I walked back into my bathroom and locked the door. I stepped in the shower and let the water hit my back.

Jonah Marais:

I stepped into the shower, laughing. God, Holli was so... different. She isn't at all what I expected her to be but everything I wanted her to be. She was so beautiful and funny, and smart, daring, impressive, honest. I've had a few girlfriends, but I've never felt this way about anyone. I know we aren't together because I don't know if she actually likes me for one thing, but she doesn't want me to be a rebound. At this point, I'd be okay with being her rebound after Jack. Speaking of Jack, he seems like a real asshole for what he said to her. I've never actually talked to the kid but now, I don't think I ever would unless I was putting him in his place. He doesn't deserve Holli.

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