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It starts with one lie. One teeny, weeny, itty, bity, white lie. And after you get away with that first little lie, you start to believe that you can get away with more and more and more. Then suddenly, you lie as if it was your first language. Not only do you lie to others, but you lie to yourself. You lie to yourself so much, you start to believe the lies. Suddenly,  you're drowning in your lies. You dig yourself the hole for your own grave. But it only takes one person to change you. Whether it is yourself, a love interest, a friend, a family member, or finding a God above. Something changes you. Or, you sit in rot in your own living hell. Forever. Luckily, I was pulled from the grave. Just in an unusual way. 

With me, every other sentence was a lie. It's not like I wanted to be a liar, a fake. It was my only chance of survival. Sort of. Don't get me wrong, compared to some people, my life isn't that bad. I have cute clothes, a nice house and car, the perfect looking  family. Everything a girl could think of. The only catch is, it's all bribery. All my parents care about is my genius little brother and sister. Of course, they are twins and at the age of 9, the have an IQ of 145, so all their attention goes to the bluestocking and the intellectual. 

Last year, my freshman year of high school, I got the starring role in our varsity play. I told my parents about it, the date, time, all the info and put it in their calender's, and they promised they would come. The night of the play, I starred, and as you could of guessed, when my ride didn't show up until 3 hours later when I had to call my friend to come get me, my parents didn't show. When I got home, they yelled at me for being past curfew. After they were done yelling at me, I told them what happened and how they didn't show, and the felt bad, so they gave me a credit card with no limit on it. 

The only time my parents talk to me anymore, is to remind me to be at something for the twins. And, if I don't show for one of their things, they take everything. My phone, card, computer, keys, everything for like, a week. 

They don't ask me where I'm going anymore. My only thing is, I have to be home at 2 am, sober. They are lawyers, so they are up almost 24/7. They only sleep when the twins sleep or when they are being studied. The twins don't even go to school. They get all the attention.

So, I started lying. I never talk about my home life at school, and never talk bout my school life at home. You could say I'm the popular girl at school. It's the only place I get attention. And I know how bad that sounds, but what would you do in my shoes? 

Honestly, I don't have it terrible, I just didn't know how fast everything was going to change.



Okay people, (if anyone is even reading this) I just want to say, I don't know when I will be updating, or if this will even be read by people. But, I will figure it out! Feel free to comment, vote, etc. etc.

Thanks for reading!


One Year // Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now