E~I~G~H~T: Early Morning Chats

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Holli Ray:

I kept my hand in his as we walked around more.

"So, what about you, Jonah. Who is Jonah..."

"Marais. Well, Marais Roth Frantzich and there's not a lot about me. I'm a straight A student, I'm in love with coffee, baseball and music. Music was always a big part of my life because my dad was a musician, but, he died the night we lost the championship game my 8th grade year. It was really hard on me cause he was my best friend. Uh... I have a thing for crazy socks, plaid pants and I love all things Harry Potter. I wear a size large in hoodies. I actually have both my ears pierced, I love Lucky Charms but despise Raisin Bran. If I could time travel, I would go to the year 3042. I have one older brother Zebulon, one younger brother, Mason, and two younger sisters Esther and Svea. I play the guitar, and write songs. I've played baseball my whole life and honestly, it's my dream to play for a Major League team and travel the world." Jonah told me a whole bunch of things as we walked. We never let go of each other's hand.

"Oh! And my favorite emoji is the smirky face," he looked down at me and we both laughed.

"WoW, Jonah." I kept smiling. I had an idea. I pulled out my phone and got on to Instagram.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I took a picture of him.

"I wanna remember this. Oh! By the way, add me on Instagram @h011!ster_R4Y16-99."

"God, your name is so extra," he complained as he followed me.

"Now, follow me back so I can see your posts." Right then, I got a notification.

@j0nuh.marais_98 followed you. Follow back to see their posts!

"And you say I'm extra."

"Yours is way worse then mine."

"Oh whatever!" I finished my post and heard Jonah's phone ding.

"Aww, you turned my notifications on! How sweet."

"Shut the hell up." He smiled at me.



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@h011!ster_R4Y16-99: What a beauty queen. Thanks for tonight @ j0nuh.marais_98


Jonah Marais: I know I'm sexy😏😏😏😏😏, but you don't have to tell everyone!

Camry Lee: Where did you run off to?

Jack Avery: ...

"Aww, cute."

"Hey, Jonah?"


"Will you sing for me?" He looked at me with the really look. "Please!"

One Year // Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now