T~E~N: Baseball

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Jonah Marais:

Beep! Beep! Buzz! Buzz!

My alarm goes off, waking me up. I groan and roll over. I pick up my phone and turn it off, running my hand through my hair and over my face, trying to wake up. I looked at the time, 12:20. I groan and roll over, shoving my face in my pillows. I start to drift off again when my phone goes off again. A facetime call.

"UGH!" I roll over and answer it.

"Nice to see you too," she speaks. I close my eyes again and nod to her. "Did I wake you?" I shake my head no, without making a sound. "Really, cause it looks like I did," she pressed.

"You didn't wake me up, Holli. My fucking alarm did," I answered.

"Language much, Jonah. You literally just woke up."

"Not that I want to be," I groaned again.


Holli Ray:

"You didn't wake me up, Holli," the way he said my name, in his morning voice that sounded kind of... hot? No, I have just never heard it before. Oh, who am I kidding? Raspy, morning voices always get me. Jack's always did. But Jonah's wasn't just hot, it was sexy. "My fucking alarm did," he finished, snapping me back to reality.

"Language much, Jonah. You literally just woke up," I scolded him.

"Not that I want to be," he groaned and rolled over, putting his face in his pillows again. I giggled and then got a bad idea that would wake him up for sure.

"Jonah," I whispered.


"Put your phone to your ear, I have a secret to tell you." He put the phone to his ear and hummed at me again. "WAKE UP!!!" I yelled, startling Jonah. He dropped the phone and jumped up.

"NOT, cool, Holli," he sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. I followed his arm down to his bare chest. He was still shirtless. I smirked to myself.

"It worked, didn't it?"

"Yeah, it did," he ran his hands over his face and looked at me through his phone.

"Why are you awake, anyway?" I asked.

"I'm gonna go play baseball with the boys," he answered, getting up and walk to somewhere in his room. He came back out with a toothbrush working in his mouth.


"Why?" He asked, but his voice was muffled by his toothbrush in his mouth.

"Just wondering." I responded as he walked away. He came back and spoke again.

"Thanks for fully scaring the shit out of me and waking me up. I'd love to chat, but I have to shower. I call you later," he winked at me before hanging up.

"Bye?" I spoke to myself.  Whatever. I walked downstairs to eat some lunch and to my surprise, my family was downstairs. I guess it really surprised me, because I tripped and fell down 14 stair steps. "Ow."

"Hollister?" My mother asked. I rubbed my head and tried to stand. I got up and took a step on my left ankle and fell again, this time screaming in pain. By now, both my parents had gotten up from the table and ran over to me.

"Hollister? Honey. Are you okay, baby?" My mom asked again. My dad lifted me off the ground and walked me over to the couch, placing me on it. 

"What hurts?" My father asked. 

One Year // Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now