T~H~I~R~T~E~E~N: The Morning After

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Jonah Marais:

I left Holli's house, knowing she would follow me. I pull into my cul-de-sac and see a fancy car in my driveway and I knew it was Monica. But why is she here? I look to the house across the street and see another car that doesn't belong. Hollister. I fight with my keys trying to get them out of the ignition.  After I win, I get out and walk to the front door. I start to open the door when it is swung open with a big-ass "JONAH!" coming from Monica. Before I can react to her, she grabs me by the neck and shoves her face on to mine, moving her lips fast. It had been so long since I had kissed anybody but specifically Monica. I couldn't help but kiss her back. She tasted good, but I bet Holli tasted better. Holli! I quickly wrap my arm around Monica's waist and push her back, slamming the door shut with my foot and moving my mouth with hers. Holli didn't need to see this. I mean, if she even cared. Which I'm sure she didn't.

"Mmh, Jonah," she moaned, running her hands through my hair. She tugged on my hair, remembering that it makes me moan. She pulled on my shirt and I pushed her back to the nearest wall. I then remembered that we were at my house with my whole family home and most of them asleep.

"M-Monica. Monica." I pulled back.

"Hm?" She smiled at me.

"Uh..." I trailed off. She continued to run her hands through my hair and smiled. I looked her up and down. This might sound douchey, but she looked good. Like, really good. She had grown out of her glasses and didn't have braces anymore. Her hair was now darker. longer and wavy. Not light, short and pencil straight. She looked amazing. At that moment, what I was going to say left my brain and I said what I wanted in that moment.

"Let's take this upstairs?" I raised my eyebrow. She very quickly nodded her head and I grabbed her hand, pulling her up the stairs. God, I hope mom was asleep. We made it to my room and I threw down my bag as she watched me.

"Do you have a-" I cut her off.

"Lemme go grab one? I'll be five seconds."

"Yeah, okay." I walk out the room and go straight to Zeb's to see if he was asleep and then mom's.

Monica Mo'nistella:

Jonah left the room and I pulled out my phone. God, this was going to be easier than I expected. I dial Hollister's number, figuring I have about a minute and a half, knowing Jonah would see if anyone was awake. She answered on the first ring and I spoke.

"I take it back- Uh! Jonah, Baby. Ah, right there," I faked. "You'll meet me whenever I tell you. I won't do anything to anyone unless you don't meet me when I ask and do exactly what I say. For now, everyone's okay." Then, I hung up and Jonah walked in 15 seconds later with a condom. I smirked and he bit his lip, grabbing my waist.

"Been awhile, hasn't it?" I pressed my lips to his and kissed him. I bit his bottom lip and stopped.

"Two years ago, I would've never thought this was going to happen." I answered, kissing him again. I shoved my hands to his hair and he went for my ass.

"Mmh, jump." I did as told and jumped, wrapping my legs around him. I pulled myself closer to him and he spun around, falling onto his bed. I gripped his neck, pulling myself to him even more and tightened my grip around his waist. His hand ran through my hair and he swiftly removed his shirt and hoodie. He then threw me back and came on top of me, connecting our lips.

 He then threw me back and came on top of me, connecting our lips

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One Year // Jonah MaraisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum