Ulfric x Reader(Female) ~The Secrets We Kept(3)~

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Torman let out a mutter of unpleasantries as he looked at the stack of papers before him on the throne hall table Jorleif had just set down, while his brother let out a chuckle before quickly receiving his own pile of paperwork, the snicker dying in seconds.

"City paperwork," the steward informed. "Your mother has her hands full with the farming industry and finding a better Jarl for Riften, not to mention the borders. You all get the leftovers, the grievances, and the like. Do try not to mess anything up," he sighed before jogging off.

Hoag rolled his eyes. "As if we would after last time."

"Yeah," Torman chuckled, starting to read over a letter, "I'd rather not scrub the floors of the kitchen with a brush again."

"It was your fault," Hoag muttered, writing something down.

"Mine?" the other twin gawked. "You forgot to sign the date! The date, Hoag! That's the first thing you do!"

"You should have reminded me! I'm not good at anything in the morning!" the taller brother barked.

"Oh, so it's my responsibility to remind you how to breathe in the morning. Yeah, great, Hoag. That's exactly what I want to be doing," Torman snarked back bitterly, putting the paper down with a swirl of a small quill and setting in a pile for the papers that needed a response.

There was a frustrated growl. "Look, I know I shouldn't have been out drinking that late, but thank you for covering me."

"You were with your favorite harlot," Torman mocked, lip curling unpleasantly and voice higher as he mimicked a female's tone. "How dare you abandon me for some whore."

Hoag snorted at the impression, a grin easing onto his face. "If mom found out, she'd fry me."

"Imagine if I got Linva pregnant," Torman muttered.

"Oh, don't even," Hoag shook his head, "I would never want to know how mom would react. You first, brother, please. I'm not settling just yet."

"You're not going to be High King then," the other brother pointed out.

"I'll be your shitty housecarl, how about that?" he offered.

"Got it. I'll tell mom."

"Wait, I didn't mean-"

The door to the Palace of Kings creaked open, drawing the attention of both of the Stormcloak sons, though only Torman turned to look. Hoag opted to try to make a dent in his paperwork.

In came a tall, broad-shouldered, cloaked figure who sent some odd feelings into Torman's gut. Hoag, almost feeling the same thing, also looked to the door, eyes narrowing.

"State your business," Torman sighed. Routine, routine, routine. 

"You both are the Stormcloak brothers, are you not?" 

Hoag blinked- gods, that was a deep voice. The mysterious man's words filled the hall, and unlike the normal civilian coming in for a quick complaint or notice, he knew the exact right volume to speak in. After all, it was a large hall. Usually, people spoke either too loud or too quiet, but no, this man didn't.

Torman stood, crossing his arms and leaning against the table. "Aye. Who are you?"

There was a long pause as if the hooded man was trying to find words. "I'd like to tell you, but I don't believe I'm at liberty to currently. You're Torman?"

A glance was shared between the brothers. He talked like a noble, too!

One of the guards slipped into the war room, no doubt going to inform the HIgh Queen and Jarl of Windhelm of the new guest.

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