Sheogorath x Reader ~The Shadow of Madness(4)~

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You were still awake, tossing and turning in your bed even though it was the middle of the night and you were normally passed out by this time. Truly, Sheogorath didn't know what to think of it.

Every now and then, there would be a grumble of frustration from your lips and you would completely slam your shoulder and side to the opposite part of the bed, even going so far as to hand your head off of the foot of your mattress with a cute little scowl.

A growl left your lips and you abruptly spoke in a quiet hiss, "I'm blaming this on Mirabelle."

"You should blame it on me," Sheogorath spoke with a chuckle. "After all, someone watching you in the dead of night is bound to be slightly unnerving, would you not say?"

The prince stepped out of the shadows, his new outfit gleaming in the soft light from a dimming candle. Not like his old suit, two completely opposing colors, no, this one he truly liked. It was sleeker but held mostly the same general design save for the slight tailcoat.

It was purple, too. He could not leave that out. 

You froze in your place, eyes going wide. His soft smirk was noticeable, his hands folded at his lower back as he came to stand in front of you, though not going close enough to touch your bed.

"Or maybe it is just you," he purred. "I'd get that looked at."

"You're... You're a Daeric Prince," you sputtered out, brows furrowing as the fear became overrun by confusion. Still, you were afraid. He could tell.

"Am I?" he hummed.

"You're eyes are yellow- who was that, dammit... Uh, Sh- Sheogorath. Right?"

"Right you are, darling! Now, now, do I have to make you remember or did you never forget?" he questioned with bright eyes and a wide smile.

You seemed to shrink from the over-positivity. 

Had he really lost it that much more after you left?

It was more of a hit to his pride, he supposed.

You swallowed hard. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Even better. I'm going to spend all of the day with you, hear me, little bird? All of tomorrow. You get whatever you want."

"This is a deal," you started to panic, "I- I'm not-"

"It was," he recoiled, "but you have nothing to lose or gain from it if you resist any deals I may try to strike."

"You don't just turn down a prince," you muttered. "This is a trap."

"Not if you be careful, it won't be," he assured. 

"Do I even have a choice?" you barked.

"No," he stated playfully, "but I like seeing you so guarded. Trying to act so tough."

"Would you let me have a night's rest and pester me in the morning?" you snapped, "I am Arch-Mage of this college, I will have you know, and though my power will most certainly not rival yours, I can make things very uncomfortable for you if you continue to harass me in the midst of night."

Sheogorath did not take to being nipped at. 

No, he did not like you thinking you could boss him around. Sure, he could play along, but he never gave you any real power.

He had learned his lesson the first time around. You played with power, and power played with you.

A snarl grew on his face as his eyes narrowed considerably. You stiffened instantaneously. "You think too highly of yourself," he growled. "Tread lightly."

"I-" you bit your lip. "I'm sorry, I get snappy when I'm tired. I... I didn't mean to..."

"I'm not going to hurt you," he muttered. 

"You sure did seem like it," you murmured, frowning lightly as your eyes trailed the ground.

He sat beside you on your bed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in for a hug. You had gone wide-eyed for the second time this night and didn't relax, as stiff as a board.


"You were scared."

"Why do you care?"

"You do not need to know," he defended, releasing you from his hold.

"And how are you the judge of that?" you pushed.

"Watch it," he warned with a scowl.

You did indeed back down, but the rather sharp look he was given showed your displeasure.

"Look," he sighed, "I'm here to repay a debt, and if you don't-"

"It's fine," you barked. "I'll deal with it. I'll put up with you for a day, and then you leave me alone."

"If there are no deals made."

"If there are no deals made," you agreed.

"So be it."


No smut chapter, sorry!

Part 5?

Requests? We haven't done any Mercer, Ulfric, Brynjolf, Argis, or Erik recently. I miss my Ully-wully and my Macer ;-;

Okay, enough of that, haha.

We're just barely under 30k reads yall, and I'm so happy you all choose to read this!


love for life 

yall are the best

Dani out,


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