I turned around and saw his confused and terrified look. I could only say one thing: "What the fuck did Corey book us?"

     "I have no idea..." he says as I made my way to the bed. I sit down on the bed and open my phone.

     "What's this place called again?" I ask, not looking up from my phone.

     "Uhh, Stay on Main I think." He answered. I nodded and looked up the place. And guess what came up when I looked the hotel? It was on a "haunted hotels in LA" website.

     I widened my eyes and covered my mouth, shocked about the discovery. "What? What's wrong?" I heard Sam ask.

     "This hotel is literally number two on the 'Top 7 Most Haunted Hotels in Los Angeles, California'." I say.

     "No it's not!" Sam says. I turn my phone around and show him the website. His eyes widen soon as well.

     "Can we call Corey?" He asked.

     "How? We don't have our phones." I say.

     "I don't know... maybe we can see if there's a phone we can use in the lobby?" He said. I nod and stand up, grabbing the key card.

I take his hand and we leave the room. Once we got to the lobby, we asked the lady if there was a phone we can use and she pointed to one on the other side of the desk.

I thanked her and began to put in Corey's number.

Corey POV

     I sat on the couch with Devyn and shared some popcorn as we watched a movie. Suddenly, my phone started to ring and the number was unfamiliar.

     I hesitantly picked up my phone and answered it. "Hello?" I asked.

     "Hey, Corey-" The Person on the other side said.

     "Woah, who the hell are you and how do you know my name?" I said. Devyn looked up at me concerned. She paused the movie and continued to listen.

     "Corey, it's Colby." He said. I smiled.

     "Oh, hey Colbs! Did you and Sam forgive each other?" I asked.

     "Not in the slightest. If anything the tension between us just got worse." I heard him say. I frowned, until there was the sound of silently laughter on the other side of the phone, sounding like Sam's laughter. Wait a minute...

     "You sure?" I asked.

     "Yeah, we can't deal with each other." He said. I don't believe him one bit. I feel like they made up, or made out.

     "Ok... anyway, why'd you call if you guys didn't make up?" I asked.

     "Well, you booked us a suite at Stay On Main, right?" I gave them a hum as an answer. "Well guess what? You booked us a suite and the second most haunted hotel in LA."

     "No I didn't!" I said, trying to convince myself that I didn't.

     "Yes you did! Sam and I were- fighting about what show to watch- when there was this huge bang. I ran out in the hallway and checked it, even around the corner but saw no one. I went back in the room and Sam was looking around every room and I joined him. After that, there was noises coming from the bedroom. We went and checked, and both of our bags were open and our stuff was scattered everywhere when we didn't even touch our bags since we got to the room." Colby said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

     "Really?" I asked, hoping he was only joking. "Are you messing with me?"

     "That's what I though Sam was doing since I left to check the hallway out! But he said he didn't. And as we were arguing about it, Sam heard a little girl giggling from outside the door. There was no one on the other side again. And when he was telling me about it, the very second he said "I swear to God", he heard taps coming from the door, and heavy breathing." He said.

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