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Chapter 13

Waking up the next morning was a difficult task. Josh hadn't dropped me off at home until almost six o'clock. We had spent the rest of the night watching the stars and getting to know each other. Josh has told me about how his parents divorced and he lived with his dad, while his mom and baby sister lived in Denver with his stepdad.

My heart ached for him, I could tell he loved his sister, but he never gets to see her unless they FaceTime once a week. I couldn't imagine living in a split family like that.

After that he told me a lame joke about a monkey that made me laugh uncontrollably, I was laughing so hard I snorted. I was so embarrassed but Josh made me feel better by telling me he thought it was cute.

He had kissed me four times, and I had kissed him twice.

Yes I was counting.

After we had watched the sunrise together he dropped me off at home with a promise to see me again soon.

I felt myself swoon once I made it to the safety of my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed and drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

And now my alarm was going off, causing the smile to slip.

I shut off my alarm and grab my phone off the charger before looking at it.

I had two messages from Josh.

Josh: I had a lot of fun last night :)

Josh: Can I see you again tonight?

I held my phone close to my chest as the smile returned. I couldn't help it. He made me feel so happy and alive. I didn't think it was possible for me to be this happy again.

If this is how I felt after knowing him for a week, how would I feel after knowing him a month? Or a year?

My mind began to wander, as much as I tried I couldn't get him out of my head.

"Kids breakfast is ready!" My mom shouts from down the stairs.

I send a quick reply to Josh before throwing off my covers and heading downstairs. I'm the first one to the table, so I sit down and start grabbing my food.

My dad walks in to the kitchen in his workout gear and drenched in sweat. He wipes his face with a towel before giving mom a kiss and then sitting down at the table with his newspaper.

A few minutes later Logan shuffles into the kitchen yawning and with a severe case of bedhead.

"Sleep good?" I ask him, trying to hide my smile.

"No I didn't. Thalia kept me up all night texting me"

A brief panic corses through my body. If he was awake all night did that mean he heard me sneak out?

"Whatever you say Mufasa" my mom says to him.

Logan glares at her and takes the seat across from dad. He was still pissed at him. They didn't speak a word to each other or even acknowledge each other's presence.

Mom sets a plate in front of Logan and ruffles his hair.

"Eat up Jimmy Neutron"

I stifle my laugh as Logan rolls his eyes.

My dad checks his watch before getting up and kissing mom again and heading upstairs.

"You kids behave today, your father and I are going to go see grandma."

"When will you guys be back?" I ask

"I'm not sure, it depends on her condition, we might stay until Monday."

"Perfect Coach Willis is going to miss work. Whatever will he do?" Logan mocks with an eye roll.

Mom lets out a sigh before coming over and kissing the tops of our heads.

"I love you guys"

"Love you too mom" Logan and I say in unison.

We watch as she follows dad up the stairs and to their bedroom.

We eat our breakfast in silence, neither saying a word to the other. I didn't know what to say to him, I was disappointed in him.

"I'm going to be spending the day with Tali." Logan says breaking the silence.

"Oh, okay."

"Sorry sis."

"It's no biggie, I'll just curl up with Mrs. Fuzzbucket. Netflix is calling to me today."

Silence envelopes us again.

Why was this so awkward?

Logan stands up and puts his dishes in the sink before grabbing a coffee cup and pouring himself some.

I notice his hand is all bruised and his knuckles are busted.

"How's your hand?"

Logan's shoulders tense up slightly before he turns around to face me.

"It's hurts but I'll be alright. I should've knocked his teeth out the bastard."

Another silence passes as Logan finishes his coffee.

"Anyway it doesn't matter because I don't have to see his face again. Now that I'm off the team I can do whatever the hell I want."

I didn't like the sound of that. I knew he was going to make stupid decisions. He always did when he was angry.

"I have to go Thalia is waiting for me to go pick her up. You sure you'll be ok?" He asks grabbing his jacket off the back of the chair.

I nod my head in response.

"Yeah I'll be fine."

Logan gives me a curt nod and walks towards the front door, he stops and scratches Mrs. Fuzzbucket behind the ears before putting on his shoes.

"Hey Logan."


"For what it's worth, I'm sorry you got kicked off the team. I know how much it meant to you."

Logan flashes me a small smile before leaving the house.

I quickly finish up the rest of my food before putting mine and Logan's plates in the dishwasher. I then head up to my room to change into a T-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. I put on a pair of mismatched socks and throw my hair up into a bun before going back downstairs.

I walk past Mrs. Fuzzbucket and her tail starts wagging.

"Come on girl, lets go catch up on some Friends."

She gets up and trots after me. I plop myself down on the couch and grab a blanket, before laying it over my legs. I grab the remote and turn Netflix on as Mrs. Fuzzbucket hops on the couch. She lays down and rests her head on my leg. I pet her head as I push the play button.

My phone buzzes just as the episode starts.

Josh: You busy today?

Yes very. I got a date with my couch, and Chandler Bing.

Josh: why Chandler?

What can I say I like a guy that can make me laugh.

Josh: Uh huh. Do you think I can steal you away from Mr. Bing today?

Hmmm I don't know, I'm pretty comfy. But I'm down for some company, and some ice cream.

Josh: I'll be there in 10

I bite my bottom lip to stop the smile, but I doesn't work. A huge smile makes it way across my face as I type out my response.

I can't wait :)

The Boy in the Jersey ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang