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Chapter 7

"Logan asked me to sit in the front so he can see me when he wins the game" Thalia says sifting through my closet.

Today was Friday, Thalia was at my house as we were getting ready for the game tonight. Dad and Logan were already at the field doing last minute warmups.

"He's pretty confident huh?" I ask leaning back against my palms.

I uncross my legs and lay them out in front of me on my bed while I wait for Thalia to find an outfit.

"Yeah, but he has a right to be. You know better than anyone how hard he works, and even though he's young he's still great at the game." Thalia says defending her boyfriend.

"You're right I do know how hard he works, but I also know that he's pushing himself over the edge. He hasn't been sleeping Tali. He's been up all night running laps around the yard and doing his workouts. He hasn't been going to his room until three o'clock in the morning. It's not healthy for him."

Thalia peeks her head out of the closet and looks at me with her mouth wide open.

"I didn't know that." She says in a low voice.

"I'm worried about him. And I can't tell him I'm worried because all he's done is yell at me. He won't listen to anyone."

Thalia looks at me with furrowed eyebrows and a look I couldn't quite decipher on her face before heading back into the closet.

"I just don't know what to do anymore." I say sitting up straight.

Thalia finally emerges from the closet wearing an orange tank top and a pair of navy blue shorts. She accompanied the shorts with her navy vans, and a navy sweater, and to top it all off she wore knee high orange socks.

"The best thing any of us can do for him is support him. Even if he makes a dumbass decision because god knows he will. And we can hope that he'll learn from it." She tells me sitting down on my bed next to me.

Thalia pulls me into a quick, tight hug before pulling away.

"He'll be ok Kel."

I nod my head in response.

"Do you think this shows enough school spirit?" She asks standing up and twirling.

I mange to let out a chuckle.

"Yes Tali you look fine, I don't think Logan can miss you."

Thalia beams at me and flops down on the bed again.

"Okay now it's your turn."

I roll my eyes and push myself up and head into my closet.

After scanning my clothes briefly, I pick out my favorite pair of light denim shorts and a gray tank top, I throw on my converse and grab a sweater before walking back over towards Thalia.

"Ready?" I ask her

"Go beavers" she says standing up off my bed.

I link my arm through hers and we head downstairs to the car.


Thalia and I hadn't been in our seats more than five minutes before Logan was standing with us. Since his blowup at lunch he was very wary around Thalia. Almost like he was afraid she was going to leave him.

They greet each other with a kiss.

"Good luck babe!" She squeals

"Thanks" Logan says with a blush.

"You got this Logan, don't even think about the scout" I tell him

"Yeah just play like you normally would" Thalia adds.

Logan gives us each a nod and hug before kissing Thalia one more time and jogging back to the field.

Thalia and I take our seats as the team comes on the the field.

I could make out Josh even from where I was sitting. He was taller and a little more muscular than most of the other boys on the team and his blonde hair was a dead giveaway.

Josh and Quinn, the captain of the Sharks, stood in the middle of the field with the head referee. The coin is flipped and Quinn has a huge smile on his face. He says something to Josh that pisses him off. His face turns red and his jaw becomes clenched.

The ref points to the sharks side as everyone gets in their starting position.

Thalia and I both slacken. The sharks won the coin toss, which means they get the ball first, which in turns means that we were going to struggle to get control. The sharks have been our biggest competition three years in a row. If we won this game we would be tied on total wins this season.

There was no way we could win this easily.


The final score was 21-19. The sharks had won. I knew Logan wasn't going to be happy.

Thalia and I were on our way to the locker rooms to meet him.

"You ok Tali?" I ask her, noticing she was playing with a loose string on her shirt.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just wish Logan wouldn't beat himself up over this and I know he will. He worked so hard for this."

"I know, but he'll be ok. Dad will make sure he doesn't beat himself up and take all the blame. It was a close game. There were only a few seconds left and they would have gone in to overtime, but Quinn threw the long pass. I hope he at least realizes that he was so close."

Thalia shrugs her shoulders and bows her head.

"Listen Tali he'll be fine I promise. He-"

I'm cut off by shouting coming from the direction of the locker rooms.

Thalia and I share a look before running toward the shouting. We recognized the voice as Logan's. The last thing he needed was to get into a fight right now.

The shouts grow louder the closer we get to the locker rooms.

"We could have won if you just listened! You've only been apart of the team for a day and you've already fucked it up!" Logan yells.

Thalia and I finally make it to the locker room to see Logan shove Josh hard, but Josh barely flinches.

"I get you're pissed but don't take it out on me." Josh snaps back.

"What do you mean? It's your fucking fault! If you would've listened to everyone else on the team we would've had that touchdown! I know that you get everything handed to you on a silver platter but not all of us do. I've worked my ass off to get that scout to accept me and this was my only chance to prove myself!"

"If you think that then maybe you aren't ready."

Logan's fury increases as those words leave Josh's mouth. His fists clench so tight at his side that his knuckles turn white, and the vein in his neck was about to burst.

I knew he was pissed. I hadn't seen him like this is so many years.

And before Thalia or I could stop him, his fist flies up as he hits Josh square in the face.

The Boy in the Jersey ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt