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Chapter 10

My face heats up as my mom stares at me.

"Well?" She presses.

I look behind her for any sign of either dad or Logan.

"Can we talk in my room?"

My mom nods her head so fast I thought it was going to pop off.

We rush up the stairs and in to my room. I sit on the bed and my mom shuts the door before sitting in front of me.

"Okay now tell me everything Kel."

I didn't know where to start.

"There isn't much to tell mom."

She rolls her eyes.

"Where did you meet? How long have you known each other?"

"We met at school the other day." I mumble

"Wait you've only known him a few days?" My mom says stunned.


"And you've already kissed?"

I nod my head.

"Don't you think it's moving to fast?"

"I don't know. This hasn't ever happened to me before. I've never gotten the attention of a guy before."

My mom grabs my hand.

"Honey, I can tell you really like him because you haven't stopped blushing since he kissed your cheek. But I just want you to be careful."

"I know mom. I will be."

She smiles at me before giving me a hug.

"Please don't tell dad, or Logan."

My mom pulls away and stares at me with a raised brow.


"Because, he's the new captain of the team. Logan hates him, he punched him in the face three times tonight. I'd hate to find out what he would do if he knew."

"And why can't your father know?"

I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Mom, Dad is the coach. I don't want it to cause problems."

"Honey your father is a professional. He keeps his personal life and his work separate. He wouldn't treat him any different."

"Really because he treats Logan different."

My mom furrows her eyebrows.

"Logan needs the extra push. His whole life is football, and maybe that's our fault because we didn't get him to try new things. But your father pushes him so that he doesn't lose sight of what's important."

"Football isn't everything mom"

"I know honey, and so does your father. Believe it or not but grandpa pushed him so hard into football that he pushed his own son away. They had such a rocky relationship for years. Your father is trying to make sure Logan is doing something he loves, and he is. We're trying to support that.

I take a second to think  about what she was saying. It was true they supported him, but now that dad kicked him off the team I knew it was going to cause a rift in the family.

"Mom can I ask you a question."

"Of course honey."

"How did you know dad was the one for you? When did you fall in love with him?"

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