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Chapter 11

I slowly close the front door behind me and rush over to Josh.

"There you are. I was starting to get worried you'd changed your mind." He says with a smirk.

"I've never done this before."

"What snuck out?"

I nod my head.

A smile forms on his face.


"You're just so innocent."

My face heats up with a blush.

"So uh, where did you wanna take me?"

"This little place I found a few years ago, it's not to far from here, just a few miles."

"Miles? I don't think I can walk a few miles"

"Who said anything about waking? The car is just up here"

"I though you said your car was in the shop."

"I did. This is my dad's car." He tells me as we approach a silver Mercedes.

"Woah. Nice"

Josh chuckles as he holds open the door for me. I slide into the car and he shuts the door before jogging around the front and getting in the driver's seat.

The engine rumbled as the car comes to life.

"Won't your dad get mad his car is gone?"

"Oh yeah he'll be pissed, but you're worth it." He says with a smile.

Before he pulls away Josh hands me an aux cord.

"You get to pick the music."

I hook the cord up to my phone and scroll through my playlist as Josh pulls onto the street. I finally decided on chasing cars.

"Interesting." Josh says.


"I didn't picture you as rock girl"

"Oh yeah? What did you picture me as?"

Josh is silent for a moment as he thinks.

"I knew you weren't a sappy pop girl, but I just didn't expect rock to be in your playlist."

"You don't know anything about me yet."

"True. Why don't we fix that? We still have a few miles to go."

"Yeah okay."

Josh smiles at me and switches his hands positions on the steering wheel.

"Question one for the lady. What's your favorite food?"

"Burgers hands down." I blurt.

I watch as his lips curve up at the corners.

"What about you?"

"Burgers are a close second, but I'd have to say pizza is my weakness." He says as we pull into a fast food drive thru.

"This is where you wanted to take me?"

"Nah, this is just a pit stop."

Josh rolls down the window and orders our food.

"No ketchup on mine" I interrupt him.

He glances at me.

"Um sorry, if that's okay. I'm allergic to tomatoes."

He turns back to the machine and orders my burger with no ketchup and no tomatoes.

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