I looked out of the window, the train went fast but smooth. My mind wandered on my random conversation with Dean few weeks ago.

"SIze 5? What are you? Elementary school girl?" He laughed when I reveal my shoes size.

"Well, I'm the normal one here. You and your 12 shoes size can bragging next time."

"Ha-ha, so funny. Dwarf."

"I swear I will push you from roof top." I threatened when Dean's joke literally pissed me off.

"Keep dreaming, you're so small. I won't budge at all." He bragged. Being 6'2 feet tall, Dean's height and muscle will absolutely win in many ways than mine. As 5'1 feet tall, for me isn't a new thing when someone mocking my height. I'm the shortest in Doodle Club, all the guys will never let me forget that fact, especially Mitchell.

Hey, at least short girls are cute, aren't we?

"What did prince charming say?" Kyunghee nudged me, making me almost drop my phone.

"What?" I glared at her, recovering myself from shock that I almost make my phone kiss the hard metal floor of the train.

"You, my friend was literally sitting down here, staring out to the window while that stupid smile plastered on your face." she crossed her arms on her chest, "it wouldn't hurt if you tell me what he said, probably said that 'I can't wait to see you, my baby Charlie~'" Kyungheee made fun of me.


"So it's true then." her cheeky smile appeared.

"Can you give me a break? Seriously, Kyung?" I pretended to be mad but she knows me better.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Dean's soon to be girlfriend~"


Jay Park's concert was beyond great, it's mind blowing, sophisticated, sick, mental banging and Oh my God, I can't believe how he become hotter as time passing by? I swear I can't describe how wild and crazy I was fangirling him during the concert. 

Me and Kyunghee could literally die in peace after that. #restinpeace #thelifeoffangirls

Both of us were laying on our bed room hotel this morning, recalling the best memory we had last night with Jay Park.

"I can't--" Kyunghee mumbled, still scrolling his phone gallery.

"How he can be that hot?" I asked dumbfounded. He was shirtless since the beginning until the end, and not a single soul complained.

"He isn't human."

"Couldn't agree more." I nodded in awe. 

"What time you'll meet your boyfriend?" I noticed she purposely mention the boyfriend part but I didn't have energy to smack her because it's still 7 am, I haven't eat anything so I decided to ignore that part for the best of us.

"I don't know, probably at 7. Dean said he needed to do something first.."I looked up at ceiling, he sent me message last night, telling me to have good night enjoying the concert and demanded me to let him know when I come back to the hotel.

I did what he asked and he said he would pick me up probably at 7 pm today, he needed to do something. I hope whatever it is, everything will be alright for him.

"So you agreed on calling him your boyfriend.."

"Not that again, I knew you'll say that."

"That's what I feel about your relationship with him, I mean.. who spent months to talk every single day to each other if the don't have a thing?"

"Don't start that speech again, you know he likes someone else." I personally couldn't picture him having crush on me,  I couldn't imagine Dean all smiling on his phone when he read my message. It's too good to be true.

"Pfftt, you said yourself he chose to move on from that girl."

"That's what he said, but you know feelings can change...  and somehow I'm scared."


"What if it's only me who take all of this seriously? I will be looked so dumb."  I admitted, my fear got the best at me. Something that I couldn't throw away easily, my insecurity.

"Oh God, Charlie. Even if it's only you who take this seriously, then all the loss is his. Not you, okay?"


"Trust me, Dean is really dumb and dipshit if he bailed on you. Mark my words."


6.15 pm

"This is disaster." I walked back and forth in front of the mirror, barefoot, with over sized pink T-shirt and wet hair from the shower  feeling uneasy while Kyunghee sat on the bed with leg crossed, watching me in amusement.

"Just put T-shirt and jeans, then flat shoes. Nothing wrong with that formula."

I remembered how anxious I was when I'm packing my clothes, worry what kind of clothes that I should wear when I meet him. I don't want to look hideous or too much, either way I don't want to embarrassing myself.

Should I wear a dress?
No, no.. it would be so obvious that I thought it's a date between me and him, I didn't want him to think that I take this whole meeting seriously. It's only friendly meeting, not a date.

T-shirt and shorts then?
What the hell, Charlie?! You know how you'll look with that outfit, a messy beggar. I mentally scolded myself

Geez, why do I feel this stupid anxiety?

"Okay, I'll put what you suggest. It's only Dean, though." I finally could get a grip of myself. 

"Yes, it's only Dean, your prince charming." Kyunghee laughed and rolled herself on bed afterward.

I should have pinched her but I need to get ready before Dean pick me up.

Without any words, I put on black graphic T-shirt, it's band T-shirt of Ramones apparently and dark blue jeans, then apply minimum make up on my face and not forget to apply some mascara to make my eyes alive. 

I was in decent look after thirty minutes struggling, thank God!


6.58 pm

I'm at the lobby.

Dean's message came into my inbox and it was the worst nervous that I've ever had. 

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