The group all sat and Jungkook didn't know where to start this.

"I- I don't know how to tell you all this but-"

Jungkook looked at them, "Taehyung is dead."

-One Year Ago-

It was a rainy day when Jungkook was called on the phone.

"Hello." Jungkook said in a cold voice.

"Boss! We found them, you need to come quick"

Jungkooks heart stopped. He quickly hung up and ran out the room. "Yoongi they found them! Let's go!" Yoongi stood up and rushed into the car, he just wanted to see his sunshine.

Jungkook and Yoongi got to the place and one of his men came running a sadden face made the two stop.

"Boss...I'm sorry..."

Jungkook felt chills run down his body, "What?!"

"They're dead"

Jungkook felt his whole world fall down, the world went quite as the rain soaked his body. His vision baited with tears, his throat felt tight and his body wanting to fall.

"How...did this happen." Jungkook tried hard not to let his legs give in.

"They were beaten, and shot in the heart. We tried to find anyway to help but it was to late." The man bowed, "I'm sorry sir."

Jungkook and Yoongi walked into the wear house and there laid two bodies with blankets laid on top of them. Jungkook walked up to one of the bodies, he kneeled down and with shaking hands removed the blanket.

There he was, laying on the ground. His face was bruised and bloody. Jungkook looked down and saw him hold the necklace close to his heart where he was shot. Jungkook felt his heart break into pieces.

A tear, and another, and another. Jungkook began to cry on Taehyung's body. "Why? Why did it have to be you." Jungkook cried touching Taehyung's face. "Why did you have to die this way, you should be living." He said, "I should've protected you, I should've proven to you that I loved you but now you're here dead."

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's body holding it close, "You didn't deserve to die! I should've been the one here not you." Jungkook held the body close. "I promise I'll find who did this to you, I'll do it all for you." Jungkook cried.

Jungkook kissed the young man's head before placing him back on the ground, wiping his tears.

He took the necklace and looked at his first love one more time.

"I love you" Jungkook said in a broken voice, "I love you and you for the rest of my life."

Yoongi looked down at Hoseok, he looked peaceful he looked as if he was just asleep. His eyelashes brushed on his cheeks. "I should've married you." Yoongi said softly, "You told me we'd always be together, darling. Will you wait for me in the afterlife?" Yoongi let his tears fall. He looked over at Hoseok's face again. Yoongi sat up quickly, something was off.

He looked at Hoseok closer, Hoseok always had a mole on his top lip and it hit him.

That wasn't Hoseok. Yoongi knew Hoseok better then anyone, his features and his words he knew all of that.

Yoongi got up. His hands began shaking, covering his mouth.

He turned around and threw up.

"Yoongi!" Jungkook rushed up to yoongi throwing up.

"What's wrong!?"

Yoongi slowly pointed at the dead body "T-That is n-not Hoseok" Jungkook looked at him in confusion.

"That's not Hoseok!"

"Yoongi" Jungkook tried to get a hold of Yoongi "You haven't seen him in a while..."

Yoongi shook his head quickly.

"That's not my Hoseok! That is not him!" Yoongi yelled.

"Yoongi he is dead!"

Yoongi punched Jungkook on the face. "Shut up! Shut up! I don't give a fuck! That is not Hoseok!"

Yoongi was going to punched Jungkook again when Jungkook punched him back knocking him out.

"Take him to the car." Jungkook sighed, holding his jaw. "We found this in Taehyung's clothes." A man said giving Jungkook a black card that had small horizontal lines and dots.

[-.-. --- -- . / .- -. -.. / ..-. .. -. -.. / -- . -....- ...]

Jungkook looked at it carefully before putting it in his pocket and walking out of the room.

-Present Time-

"Tell us Taehyung is not dead!" CL stood up. All of them sat there in shock, Jennie began to cry on G- Dragon's shoulder.

Dean stood up, "This is all your fault, Jungkook!" He yelled. He never called him by his first name. "You let them kill Taehyung! You knew did you?! That's why you kicked him out of the house!"

Dean left the room and soon after the rest followed. CL turned around and looked at Jungkook, she shook her head before leaving the room too.

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