Chapter 13: I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

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When she got back to Harry’s that night she had just finished ordering Chinese food when an incoming Skype call sounded on her MacBook Pro. Grace smiled seeing Harry’s picture and clicked the accept button.

Harry’s handsome face greeted her as he seemed to be sitting on the bus at a table. He looked a little tired but still very amped.

“Hey beautiful!” Harry exclaimed.

“Hey handsome, how are you?” Grace felt relieved seeing him.

“I’m pretty good, missing you terribly but the days are slowly starting to pass so we’ll be together again soon.” She nodded.

“What about you?” Harry added.

“I’m alright, trying to keep busy with work. Want to hear something funny?”

“Hmm?” Harry hummed curiously.

“Two of your fans walked into the shop today asking for copies of The Outsiders after they heard you say you recommended it.” Harry laughed.

“I totally did in an interview, one of those random ‘what have you read recently’ questions, I told them my bird turned me towards the book and I guess more fans are checking it out now.”

“Well thanks for the business.” She teased.

“You only love me for that.”

“Of course.” Grace winked and Harry chuckled seeing her so playful.

“God I can’t wait for you to come out here, I’m taking us to Disneyland and Universal Studios since we have days between the show in Anaheim and the Dallas one.” Grace grinned.

“I’m excited, but the Dallas one is my last show, you know that right?” Harry nodded.

“I remember, I made everyone promise to give me a lot of alone time with you but of course you’ll be dragged to hang out with everyone too.”

“That’s fine, I miss everyone, not just you.” He pouted.

“But I’m cuter.”

“Of course you are.”

Harry sighed and rubbed his forehead before playing with his hair. Grace felt for him.

“The bed is lonely without you.” She admitted quietly. He frowned deeper.

“I miss you so fucking much Gracie.” She sighed, trying to stay positive.

“I miss you too Harry, but we’ll be okay, remember?”

She twirled her necklace around and Harry reached for his, squeezing it between his thumb and index finger.

“I get really jealous of Niall and Elise sometimes, since they get to be together all the time. Puts less strain on their relationship.” Grace nodded.

“I know, sometimes I feel the same way, but then I think about the rest of the guys and they all have to put up with the same as us. Louis and El seem to make it really work.” Harry bit his lip.

“Yeah, I guess since they’re used to it.”


“I know, I have to stay positive. When you get here I’m not letting you go, not for one second.”

Grace giggled.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Harry cracked a smile and Grace saw his dimples and she sighed happily.

“I love you.” Harry whispered.

“I love you too.”

He hummed contently and then they talked a bit more about each others days and what had been going on or what was going to happen. Eventually the doorbell rang and Grace had to hang up with Harry to answer it.

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