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I was feeling very hot and thirsty all of us sudden. I checked the time to see it was past 12am. I turned to my right to see Andrew sleeping peacefully. I got up to drink water, but I found the glass empty.

"Looks like I have to go to the kitchen now." sighing I left the room.

In the kitchen, I drank some water and filled the glass to take it to my room. When I was going back to the room, I found raw mangoes neatly arranged on the table. Suddenly I started craving for them. They looked so fresh and mouth watering. I went closer to the table and took one mango. Suddenly I remembered what happened the last time I touched the mangoes. I threw the mango getting scared and looked at my hand as if it is burnt again. The last time I touched the mangoes, my mother-in-law had burnt my hand.

I heard glass shattering behind be, turning around I saw my mother-in-law standing near the kitchen. Her face was void of any emotion. I took slow steps away from the table.

"I.. I.. did.. didn't touch the mang.. mangoes. I.. I'm. so.. sorry.. Don't burn.. my hand.. Please!! " telling I ran back to my room. I didn't want to face her hatred again. I closed the room with  loud thud, which woke Andrew. Tears where flowing continuously now. I was scared to look at him now. He was coming towards me. My breathing was becoming unstable. I couldn't breathe anymore, my vision turned black and I lost consciousness.
The last thing I remember is Andrew catching me and shouting my name.


The banging of the door woke me up from my sleep. I got up to see Twinkle was crying and looked horrified. Her breathing was becoming unstable. She was hyperventilating. I went towards her to clam her down. But she looked even more scared to see me coming towards her and finally she fell unconscious.

I caught her before she fell down.
"Twinkle.. Twinkle.. open your eyes. Whats wrong with you?" her hands where turning cold.

I picked her up bridal style and laid her on the bed. I called the doctor and asked him to come as soon as possible.

"Baby.. Twinkle.. Why where you scared? Open your eyes and look at me. I will protect you, I will not let anything or anyone to harm you." I hugged her tiny frame close to me. I wanted to feel her close to me. I want to know that she is safe.

I couldn't let anything happen to her. I can't take it if anything happens to her. There was a knock on the door. I pulled away from Twinkle and opened the door to see my mother.

"Mom, what are you doing here? At this hour!! "I asked her. She was looking down as if she had done something wrong.

"Andrew, How's Twinkle? Is she fine? All this happened because of me. " she said.

"She's unconscious right now. What happened mom??" I asked my mom.

"I heard some sounds in the kitchen so I went to check. Twinkle was standing near the table holding a mango. She remembered the torture I had given her before when she had tried to take the mango. I had burnt her hand. So she got scared that I would hurt her again. So she panicked and ran to your room." mom said.

I couldn't stand listening to what my mom said. My mom had burnt Twinkle's hand and I didn't know about it. Now I understand why she looked so horrified.

"Mom, how can you that? Even though you don't like her, you shouldn't have done that? I never thought you would hurt someone!!" I was ashamed of my mom.

"Andrew, I'm sorry. I was blinded. Even I regret it now. If I have a chance to go back and turn everything proper, I would happily do." I could hear the regret clearly in her voice.

In search of love ✔️ (Complete)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat