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Once I went out of the room, I felt relaxed. God the situation was suffocating me. I was planning on how to get back Twinkle tomorrow. I will leave her for today. Tomorrow I will go to the hotel and talk to her. I will force her to comeback. I want my dad and grandpa to be happy. I'm willing to bring her back to my house for them.

Andrew are you sure you want her at home for your Grandpa's happiness. Or you want her at home for your happiness!!

What the hell!  Why would I be happy. I always wanted her out of my life.

Whatever floats your boat. I'm not gonna believe it. You already know who wants her more. You're not ready to accept it.

My mind was continuously taunting me, telling it's me who wants her back. Whatever! You're coming back with be. Wait and watch. I went back to the room. I saw Tony and the manager walking out of the room. Tony was drenched in alcohol. It was so funny to see him like this.

I entered the room and smirked at Twinkle that she would be with me from tomorrow. But she ran away from the room. Until she ran past me, I didn't notice that she was crying. Something has happened when I left.

"Care to explain what happened?"
I asked the Blake's, no one in particular. I just wanted answer.

"long story but I will cut it short. Tony was touching her, she poured the alcohol on him. Tony called the manager and she was fired." the CEO explained.

My blood started boiling. Shit! I should have been here. I went in search of her. I asked the manager about Twinkle. He said she left taking her paycheck. I punched him. How dare he fire her. I should go meet her today itself. However I know the hotel she works, I'm sure I can find her. She must have gone there probably.

I headed towards the exit. I searched for Bruke. He was nowhere to be found. I called him but he didn't receive. Someone placed there hand on my shoulder.
"Andrew is anything wrong! Why are you so tensed?" Tony's younger brother Christopher asked.

"Chris I have to go immediately. Can you please tell others that I'm leaving. I'm sorry for leaving."

"Sure! But you didn't answer my question."

"Is there any problem? Who is she? Why are you running for her?"

"I'm sorry I can't answer you now. I'm running short of time. I have to go."

"OK! But how are you going? Your driver left long back. Don't you remember, you asked him to leave."

"Shit now I remember. OK! bye! I will go by a cab." I turned to call a cab but Chris stopped me.

"If you want I will drop you. I'm not interested in the party anymore. It's boring. I will be happy to help you."

"Thanks man. Hurry up."

"one minute, I will get the keys."
I waited outside for him to return. He came back with the keys. We both got in.

"Where to?"

"The same place where we had lunch." he nodded and started the car.

Once we reached we saw the hotel closed.

"I think we should comeback in the morning. It's quite late." Chris said.

"No Chris. I should meet her now. I can't loose her."
I ringed the bell but no one answered. I ringed again and waited for a reply.

"Andrew, Tony has the owners number. Let me call and get the number."

"Do it fast."
Chris called Tony and took the number. We called that number, they finally received. I asked Chris to leave as it was late. He reluctantly agreed and left.

"Sorry to disturb you at this hour. But can you please open the door, I have something important to speak." they agreed. After few minutes the door opened. A old lady stood by the door.

"Who are you and what are you doing here at this hour?" she asked.

"Ma'am my name is Andrew Lockwood. I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I want to meet Twinkle." As soon as she heard my name her eyes widened.

"Andrew Lockwood as in Twinkle's husband." she squealed like a baby. How did she know my name. Did Twinkle tell her about me! Thank God I sent Chris back. I didn't want him to know that she is my wife. Because the next question will be, why is she not with you? I don't want to explain my family matters.

"Ma'am can you call Twinkle?" she nodded and called Twinkle. But Twinkle didn't come.

"Maybe she is sleeping. I will call and come her. Please take a seat." I nodded and sat on the sofa.

After sometime she came back with a old man, who was consoling her. Twinkle was not with them. The old lady had a letter in her hand. I understood what it was but didn't want to believe it.

"Hello Andrew. I'm Enoc and this is Mia." the old man said.

"Sorry if I'm rude, but can you call Twinkle. I have come here to meet her." I couldn't wait to see her.

"I don't know how to explain this. Twinkle...  Twinkle...." the old man was not telling properly.

"Can you just tell me. Stop lagging. Get it out."

"Twinkle left this place. She is not here." I was shocked.

"What are you telling? You're joking right! She works here,  then why the hell she is not here." I snapped.

"Even we thought she was here but no, she is not. She had kept this letter and left."

"Sorry for snapping! I know it's just a prank. Call her. I have something important to tell her." I was tired of their act.

"Son we are not joking. Read this letter. You'll understand."
I took the letter from his hand. My mobile was ringing but I ignored it.
I opened the letter and started to read.

MA! PA! I'm sorry for leaving. I can't stay here anymore. Please forgive me. I love you both. I wish I had grandparents like you. I can't tell you the reason why I'm leaving, but I can tell you one thing. Thank you so much for everything you have done. For being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I will never forget you both in my life. Tell Rima sorry on my behalf, for leaving without informing. I love you people so much. I will comeback someday to meet you people.

With love,

I let the letter slip from my heads. Twinkle left. This can't be happening, this is a dream.

"Please tell me it is a dream. I can't loose her. Twinkle.. Twinkle.. " I called for her.

Mia and Enoc hugged me.
"Son please search her for us. She loves you so much. She always use to talk about you. Please don't give up on her. She is such a wonderful child. God knows why she left. Don't leave her." Mia cried.

"I'm leaving. I have to search her before its too late. Bye." I said standing up to leave.

My mobile kept ringing continuously. It was my sister calling. I didn't want her to bother me now. I have to search for Twinkle first. My sisters call can wait. I searched for a cab, but they were none. Enoc came to me with car keys.

"Son take this. Go search for her. Don't waste time. Please bring her back to us. She is like a granddaughter to me."
I nodded and hugged him once again before leaving with their car.

I searched for her in few streets. I couldn't find her anywhere. I saw my mobile ringing again, this time it was mom calling.
"Andrew! Sherly.. Sherly.." my mom was crying. Why is everyone lagging today. Why can't they just tell what they have to tell.

"Mom cut the crap and just tell it." I snapped at my mom. I was in no mood for it now.

"Andrew it's Sherly. She is in hospital. They tried calling you, but you didn't receive the call. So they called me. We are heading to the hospital. Come as soon as possible."

I regretted not receiving the call now. Sherly is in hospital. One side Sherly and other side Twinkle. I will Search for Twinkle later, I should go to hospital first. It's my mistake not receiving Sherly's call.

I took a turn and went towards the direction of the hospital.

In search of love ✔️ (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora