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It was afternoon now. Everyone had lunch and were in the garden. I, Ethan and Samuel where sitting on the other side of the garden. Samuel was working on his laptop and was talking to me. Meanwhile Ethan was irritating me as usual. They were trying to cheer me. But my concentration was not here.

"Twinkle get up and come with me." Ethan called me. I stood up to go with him. He took me to the swing. He made me sit on it. He started pushing me. Now even Samuel left his work and came and stood by Ethan.

"Ethan! Don't you dare push fast. I'm scared, OK." he nodded. He started pushing me slowly. I was finally able to forget that Nina is watching me. I was smiling now. Infact laughing.

Ethan increased the force now. He pushed me faster. It was as if I was flying it air now. I was laughing loudly now.

"Ethan! Slow down." I asked Ethan. But he kept increasing the speed. It was fun but I was getting scared now. I can't let anything happen to my baby.

"Ethan! Ethan! Stop! " he finally slowed down. As soon as he stopped, I got down and stood next to Samuel. He wrapped his arm around me.

"I hate you!  I said you not to push fast." I was not angry on him, but I wanted to play with him. And moreover what if something happens to baby. He held up his hands in surrender.

"That's not enough. Tell Twinkle I'm so sorry. You're the most beautiful girl in this world. I beg your pardon princess." he was glaring at me now. I smirked.

"Twinkle, my dear girlfriend. Your the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you so much my dear sweetheart." I stopped him from continuing.

"Idiot! Jerk! What did I ask you to tell and what are you telling? That's the reason I hate you." Suddenly we heard loud laughter behind us. We turned around to see what's happening. Everyone were watching us and laughing. Shit!

"I'm sorry! I didn't know I was so loud."I was embarrassed now.

"So cute. Look at her, she is blushing so much." one of Maa's friend said.

"Baby come here. What did he do now? " maa asked. I went and hugged her.

"Mom, we didn't do anything." Ethan said.

"Katherine, I want to ask you something." Maa's friend asked. I didn't lift my eyes. I was sure Nina is watching me. When everyone where laughing she didn't even smile. I don't know what's going on in her mind.

"Yes Rima, go ahead. What is it? " maa asked.

"I would like to get my son engaged to Twinkle. So if you agree I would love to make her as my daughter-in-law." Maa was shocked now. I didn't know what to tell. Everyone were shocked.

"No, she is my wife. She is mine. Twinkle is going to be my wife." I was even more shocked now. It was Ethan who said it. Is he out of his mind. I always saw him as a friend, a brother. I didn't know he felt like this about me.

"Ethan stop it. Rima I'm sorry. But I would like to make Twinkle my daughter-in-law. I can't be without her. Thank you for reminding me. Twinkle if you agree, I would like you to get married to anyone of my son." maa said. Over, I can't stay here anymore.

I saw Nina smirking. So this is all her plan. She wanted to ruin my life. I can't stay here anymore. I ran back inside. I went inside my room and locked it. Ethan and Samuel ran behind me. They were knocking the door, but I didn't open. I want to process everything. What is happening in my life. Can't I be happy for once. I never thought Ethan would do this to me.

"Twinkle, I'm sorry! Please open the door. Let me explain. Twinkle, please!" Ethan kept banging the room.

"Ethan please leave! I want some time to think." after some time he left. I can't stay here anymore. I have to leave. My happy days are over. Have you forgotten Twinkle. You're never meant to be happy. Happiness is not written in your life. Get up and run. That is what you're good at doing.

Yes I have to leave. I can't do this. If they get to know that I'm pregnant and already married they will be ashamed of me. It's better for me to go away, than they pushing me out. I can't see them hate me when I leave them. I can't face Ethan anymore. Not after knowing he has feelings for me.

Maa I'm sorry for leaving. Maa I'm already married and pregnant. I'm not good person maa. Thank you so much for bringing me to this house. I have never been loved so much before. I'm to leave you maa. I didn't have the guts to tell you about my past.

Maa your the only person who loves me so much after my mom. I wish I had called you mom. I don't how I can be without you. I'm sorry for disappointing you maa. I'm a disgrace. No one likes me. I'm a bad luck. Everywhere I go, I create problems. I'm always a burden.

This one and half month what I spent here, was the most beautiful days. I met Ethan and Samuel. The best people. I didn't know I would enjoy my life so much. Ethan and Samuel made my life beautiful. I'm sorry Ethan for hurting you. I always saw you as a friend. You were my bestfriend. Both you and Samuel were my bestfriends. I had spent the most beautiful days with you. I'm sorry for leaving you people.

I wish you both a very good luck. Ethan control your playboy acts and concentrate on your future. Samuel, there is no one to stop you. You're the best. I want to see you become number one. I will miss you people. I love you so much. Thanks for everything you have done to me. I will comeback one day to see you both successful. I will bring my baby with me. For now goodbye. Once again, I love you.

With love-

I kept the letter on the stand and also placed the bracelet Samuel had given me on it. I can't take it with me. I will miss you people. I left the house.

Why is my life like this. I wish I was dead. I wish I was never born. I don't know where to go now. I don't have anyone. God! Why can't my life be normal like others. No! I can't loose hope. I have a baby to look after. I have to live for this baby. I have to create a bright future for this baby. Come on Twinkle. You have to do this! I kept walking. Suddenly there where lights coming towards me. A car was heading towards me. I couldnt move, my legs gave up. Wow! This is how my life is going to end. But no, I can't die. I can't kill my baby. I was pulled back before the car hit me.

"My baby! " I fell unconscious. Darkness clouded me.


I was shocked to see Twinkle. She looked so pretty. She looked happy. I didn't want to spoil her happiness, but at the same time. I didn't want to let go of her this time. I have to inform Andrew. I tried calling him but he wasn't picking the call. He has been avoiding me since the time Twinkle's family had come home.

Andrew pick up, for once pick up the call. It's about Twinkle. All my calls directly went into voice mails. OK! Now it's my turn then. I have to bring Twinkle back home. God has given me a chance to correct my mistake. I have to act wisely and take my Daughter-in-law with me back. My Twinkle! My daughter! Please forgive me dear. Please come back with me.

I watched her the whole day. She looked so happy. Even Williams love her so much. I wish I didn't believe Jade. I would have Twinkle with me.

She was laughing. I had never seen her laugh. This was like a moment to be treasured. She looked so peaceful. She had put on weight. But yet she was pretty.

Rima asked Katherine, to get her son engaged to Twinkle. My blood was boiling now. I was happy that Katherine didn't agree. But Ethan said he wants Twinkle to be his wife. This angered me now. Even Katherine was OK with it. I can't let that happen.

I saw Twinkle running back inside. Which means she doesn't like. I'm happy that she still likes Andrew. Atleast that is what I thought. I will come back tomorrow Twinkle. I will come and get you back. You will be back to the place where you belong.

In search of love ✔️ (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora