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She looked shocked to see me in the room. Maybe she thought I had left. She turned around to go inside the washroom and lock the door back, but I was fast enough to stop it. I placed my leg before she closes the door.

She banged the door so hardly that I regret keeping my leg. But thank God, atleast she will not be able to close the door. As soon as the door made contact with my leg I screamed. It hurts very badly. She immediately let go of the door and came to check on me. Wow she still cares about me. She had tears dwelling in her angelic eyes. I'm not surprised though, but what surprised me is what she was wearing.

She was wearing my shirt. It looked so huge on her. She looked perfect in it, as if it is made for her. God she looks so hot in my shirt. I wish she always wears my shirts and roam around in the house.

My eyes trailed down her shirt and I couldn't stop from enjoying the view. She noticed me staring at her. She jumped back as if I burnt her. She took the blanket and covered herself. Her innocent actions looked so sexy. Even without her content, she was attracting me. Her normal self is turning me into a craving monster.
When will she understand that I love her.

"why are you so scared of me? " I asked her even though I know the reason. I want to hear it from her mouth. But she just stood still. She didn't answer my question, so I continued.

"Twinkle! Twinkle please look at me when I talk to you." she was staring at the floor. I placed my finger under her chin and raised her face to look at her eyes. But she was avoiding to look at me in eyes.

"Twinkle! I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Give me one more chance to prove myself. Twinkle I.. I.. I lo.. Like you." I didn't want to scare her with my confession. I want to take this slow. But she didn't react at all. Fear was evident in her eyes. I looked at her form. She was trembling. God why is she so scared of me. I have screwed big time. I have broken her so much.

There was a knock on the door. Twinkle took this as a opportunity and ran to the bathroom. Great now she again forgot to take her clothes.

I went to the closet and bought out a dress for her. I had bought many dresses for her. I knew I would find her one day. I knocked on the door, but she didn't open. Stubborn much!

"Twinkle, I have bought your clothes. Please open the door! "she opened the door lightly.

"I have kept your clothes here. Wear them and come out fast. Mom is waiting for you." at the mention of mom, she raised her head. The same fear I saw before came back. She looked petrified. Looks like she is not over it. I should prove it to her that everyone has changed. That everyone loves her. Sighing I left the bathroom.


I'm so happy that Twinkle is back. I promise I will take care of my daughter from now. I will gain her forgiveness. The day we found Twinkle, she was like a dead person. But now I will take care of her in such a way that she will forget all the pain she suffered so far.

She will have a mother from now. A mother who will shower her with love. I will spoil her with my love. She deserves this world. She is scared of me. The look of fear in her eyes when she saw us. It broke my heart. Everyone will not get a chance to correct there mistake, but I got one. I have to make use of it correctly. I made chicken soup for her.

She is not just wife of my son now, but she is also a mother to a child. My grandchild is growing in her stomach. The heir of the family. I have to keep her strong and happy and take care of her. I knocked on their door. I hope she likes this soup, if not I will do something else.

"Maa! She's getting ready. Please be seated." my son said.

"How is she? " I know the answer but just a small hope that she might be fine.

"The same. She is not willing to talk. She is scared and petrified. We have to give her sometime." Andrew said. I just sighed. I didn't know what to tell, because what he said was true. We had made her life hell. So she will obviously be scared of us.

The door to the bathroom opened and Twinkle came out wearing a pink sundress. She looked so pretty. I have never seen the true beauty inside her before. A true angel. She stood near the door itself, ready to run if any problem comes.

"Twinkle!! " her head snapped up immediately. She was trembling. She took slow steps towards the bed. Andrew stood up to give her space on the bed. She sat little far away from me. It hurt a little, but it's OK. I can't expect much from her now. I took her hand in mine, but she flinched and pulled her hand back. As if my touch burnt her. It was like killing me again and again with a knife.

"Twinkle! Please have this soup." I extended the tray towards her. She didn't respond.

"Twinkle! Please..! Drink this soup. Alteast for the sake of the baby." she took the tray from me. Finally! OK, first step was successful. I waited for her to taste it. I hope she likes it. She took a sip.

"Is it good Dear??" she didn't reply but continued drinking the soup. Which gave away the answer. I turned towards Andrew to see him already staring loving at Twinkle. I was happy to see my son happy again. I wish they both get back together and start a new life.

Twinkle completed the soup. I gave her medicines, which she accepted without hesitating.

"OK Twinkle! You rest for now. I will come and talk to you later." again the same. No reply.

"Andrew! I need to talk to you." he followed me out of the room.

"Andrew! Find out what she likes. We have to make her happy. Take her out, she requires fresh air. Stay with her as much as possible. She needs your support very much."

"I know mom. I will take care of her." with that he went inside the room. He has not forgiven me completely.


I don't know whether I have to be happy or scared. I'm afraid of what will happen if I give them another chance. I can't risk my baby's life. When Nina came with the soup, I was more than shocked. She had never spoke to me properly, but now she bought soup for me. Also she herself had prepared it.

These drugs where making me sleepy. I was about to sleep when the door opened. I closed my eyes to avoid any conversation. I was not ready to speak to anyone. I felt someone sitting next to me. I reconginzed the person. It was Andrew. He took my hand in his and caressed it. He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Why Andrew? Why? Why are you showing concern towards me, when you hate me. Please don't make my already broken heart die. My baby needs me. You didn't want me in your life before. Why are you trying to get me back? Wasn't it enough what you did? Do you still have something left against me? "

I want to ask all these questions, but no. I didn't want to create any problems. He caressed my cheeks lightly. Is was so soothing that I fell asleep.

I don't know what is awaiting for me next. I don't want any of this. God take care of my baby!!

In search of love ✔️ (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon