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Days past by. It's been a week since I went to hospital. Elizabeth has become even my protective on me. She doesn't even allow me to help her in the daycare anymore. So I spend most of the time in church itself. I help people with the candles, flowers.

I was coming back from the daycare. Elizabeth had shouted at me for going to the daycare. I was bored of sitting in the room, so I had gone to enjoy with the kids. She pushed me out immediately. I was frustrated.

My pregnancy hormones are playing with me. One minute I will be happy the next minute sad. I eat so much nowadays. I feel that I'm going to look like a whale within few days. With this frustration I didn't see were I was going. I lady bumped into me and we both fell.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't see where I was going." I stood up and helped her up.

"No dear, I'm sorry. I bumped into you. How nice of you! Apologizing though it's not your mistake. Your parents would be proud of you dear." my face immediately fell at mention of my parents. She noticed this and apologized again.

"I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to hurt you. By the way my name is Katherine Williams. And what is the name of this sweet girl?" she asked. I blushed at her comment.

"My name is Twinkle." she hugged me.

"Awww! Such a cute name for such a cute girl. What are you doing here dear." she asked.

"I work here. I arrange candles and flowers. I'm sorry once again for bumping." I said.

"Oh dear, I'm telling you again. It's me who bumped into you. Don't apologize again. I wish you were my daughter. I always wanted a daughter like you, but I have two donkeys. Who are fit for nothing. I love them, but they both are idiots." I laughed at her comments. She was so easy going. We both went went inside. I left her and went to search for candles.

When I came back with few candles I saw her struggling to hold and light the candles at the same time. So I ran to help her.

"Need any help mam??" I asked Mrs. Williams.

"Oh dear it's you again. Yes dear, I need help. Can you hold these candles for me, while I light them." I nodded and took the candles from her. Once the task was completed I turned around to leave but the church father called me.

"Twinkle dear, I want you to go back to your room." God why are they acting like this. I know they are scared that anything will happen to me. But I'm tired of it. They know my whole story without leaving anything, so they over protective. I really love the care they are taking but I want to work. I don't want to become a charity case.

"Father, can I talk to you for a minute." Mrs. Williams asked the father.

"Sure, please come with me. And you are going to your room got it." Father pointed towards me. I nodded and left to the room.

After sometime my room door opened. Father came inside along with Mrs. Williams.
"How can I help you? " I stood up.

"Dear we would like to talk to you." father said.

"Sure father." I said. He turned towards Mrs. Williams and she encouraged him to speak.

"Dear, Mrs. Williams here wants you to go with here. She wants you to be her daughter. Would you like to go with her? She will give you a better life. She will take care of you. I'm not forcing you into anything. I want you to have a better life. You deserve the world. So it's best if you go with her. " Father said.

"Yes Twinkle! I really like you. Will you please come with me dear. I will give you anything you ask. I will treat you like a princess. Please come with me. I want a daughter like you dear." Ms. Williams said.

I wanted to go with her but I'm scared. The way she was begging me hurts me to reject. So I decided to go but on one condition.

"Ma'am I will come with you but on one condition. I will come with you if you agree to give me a job. I want to earn money and start a new life." I asked.

"No dear, you won't work. I won't allow you to work. I want you to come with me as my daughter." she said.

"No ma'am, I will come only if you agree with my condition. I will work as a housekeeper." as I said before I want to work hard and earn money.

"OK I agree. But you will come with me? But still you'll be my daughter. I will not allow you to work as a housekeeper but I will surely give you some job. Is it OK?" she asked. I nodded.

"Good then. Twinkle get ready. You'll be leaving in few minutes. You're going today itself. And don't worry about Elizabeth, I will tell her." Father said.

"No father, I want to meet her and tell her personally. Please ma'am can I stay until see returns." I begged Mrs. Williams.

"Sure dear as you say. As long as you agree to come, I'm OK to wait." she smiled and hugged me.

We left the church once Elizabeth returned from the daycare. She was not agreeing to send me. After lot of convincing from father and Mrs. Williams she reluctantly agreed to send me.

On the way to the Williams house, I was thinking about how this new journey will start. I was tired and my eyes were almost closing. Mrs. Williams noticed this and asked me to rest my head on her lap and sleep.
I agreed and slept on her lap. I always wanted to sleep on my mom's lap and she caressing my hairs.

Maybe my mom sent Mrs. Williams to fulfill my wishes. Mrs. Williams was caressing my hairs and was humming some song. I slept peacefully for the first time after so long.

A happy start to a new journey. I hope I get the love I expected and a family. Mrs. Williams asked me to call her mom, but I was little hesitant about it. My mom is only Rachelle. No one can replace her. So I told her I would call he mother instead of mom. She also understood my reason.

She is such a sweet lady. I love her already and I know she loves me. Who accepts a girl to be her daughter on the first sight itself. Without knowing me or my background properly, she asked me to be her daughter.

Before going into my slumber I kissed her hand, "I love you mother! " and I slept. I felt her kiss on my forehead but I was tired to react to it.

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